The 27Mhz frequency band is usually used for toys. There are several different ways of splitting it up, but a common way is:
26.995 MHz -- Channel 1 (Brown)
27.045 MHz -- Channel 2 (Red)
27.095 MHz -- Channel 3 (Orange)
27.145 MHz -- Channel 4 (Yellow)
27.195 MHz -- Channel 5 (Green)
27.255 MHz -- Channel 6 (Blue)
The most common frequency for a toy is 4 (27.145 MHz). Some toys feature switchable frequencies so that two can work together, but I suspect that both your boats are the same frequency, unless you specifically asked for a pair of boats which could sail together. It's easy to test this in the garden - just stand a fair distance away and operate both boats together...
If your radio is not intended to take exchangeable crystals it will be very difficult to alter it, and both cheaper and easier to buy a new £25 radio transmitter/receiver combo...