Thanks Rich,
She is scratchbuild with the help of shipyarddrawings, i started with her in 1988, i'll give some specifications about the boat.
Lenght, about 2 meters
Weight, 17 kg
Batteryload, 12V 8Ah for driving, 12V 1,7 Ah for the compressor, 6V 5 Ah for the servoparts, giving me a total runningtime for 6 hours.
E motors, 2x 12 VMonoperm specials, with reductiongears 3:1
12 Volt compressor.
2x peroscopes working on pressured air, they can move seperatly from each other
movable schnorkelmast
movable antenna's
working anchorwinch
working torpedo tubes with hatches, capable of firing 5 electric torpedo's.