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Author Topic: In the News !!!  (Read 972895 times)


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #775 on: May 20, 2015, 08:30:19 am »

Hi all,
      Its a bit like yesterdays Judges ruling on the Irish Christian Bakers and the cake, whatever happened to its my Company and if I don't want to do the job its my decision! I wonder what would have happened if they had been a different religion?
      Soap box now stored.
             Cheers, Faz.


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #776 on: May 20, 2015, 02:40:13 pm »

While its shocking that a boat has sunk, but thankfully the crew has been saved. I do have to question the motives of the owners.

The boat had four Filipino crew aboard. Why Filipino's? surely with the amount of Scottish fishermen or even fishermen from the south west out of work, it should have been crewed by some of them? The only reason for employing a crew from half way around the world is to save a few quid on crewing costs, it is so wrong that they can get away with doing this.

Most boats have no choice but carry Phillipino crew , because of the restrictions on days at sea and quotas the fleet has lost over 50% of our own men to other industries ( mainly oil rig standby boats ) and they will not return in a hurry. It costs a LOT of money to take these guys over so its not greed.

The skipper has to pay ALL transport costs , the immigration fees , provide them with all their clothes/oilskins/bedding , pay for all their safety and compulsory training courses and they are on a contract weekly rate meaning they are the only ones who are guaranteed to get paid every week. It would be no more expensive than taking on a local man and certainly no cheaper ( boat insurance goes up because these guys by law have to live on the boat even when its in harbour ).

There is also the problem that a lot of local ex-fishermen are ex-fishermen due to problems with drink or drugs. Its a simple fact that without these guys there would be NO industry left so slagging off skippers for trying to keep a boat going when the odds of getting suitable crew locally isn't there is , I'm afraid , plain ignorance

If you don't know what your speaking about don't start
Davie Tait,


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #777 on: May 20, 2015, 05:53:46 pm »

I have the greatest respect for anyone who tries to make a living fishing in European waters, with the restrictions imposed on fishermen, as stated above, obeyed by some, ignored by others.
Listen politely, nod approvingly, then do what you want, works for me!


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #778 on: May 21, 2015, 12:36:24 am »

Happening world wide  %)......... Derek

"MUA Protests Plans to Deregulate Shipping Posted by Ashleigh Telford on May 20, 2015 The Maritime Union of Australia has slammed moves by the Abbott Government to deregulate the Australia shipping industry and with it, destroy 10,000 Australian jobs"
Derek Warner

Honorary Secretary [Retired]
Illawarra Live Steamers Co-op


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #779 on: May 21, 2015, 02:35:24 am »

I to have the greatest respect for this captain/owners, and the small one or two boat owner businesses trying to make a living from fishing. I have a number of such friends, in a number of countries, who struggle, daily to carve a meager living from the sea.
My comments where never aimed at those on the "coal face" as they are locked into a system not of their creation.
My comments come from the other end of the spectrum, the ones who are responsable for the system those at the bottom have to deal with. The ones behind the Govt descisions as Derek has highlited, which are aimed at expanding the big business end, run by the sort of people I mentioned. The ones who decimated the industry in the UK, only to the advantage of a select few. Same with most countries around the world, and its happening where I am now.
The Asian fishermen who get onto your boats in the UK, are on the surface, the lucky ones, as a lot of their fellow countrymen live and work in slave like conditions for a pittance, if they are lucky. Many of these lucky ones, on the western boats, don't actually get all the wages that are paid to the agents, who then take a large percentage, the fisherman and his family have what's left.
I could go on, but to do so delves into the realm of Politics, which is not for forums such as this. <*<
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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #780 on: May 21, 2015, 10:59:16 am »

Actually it is, politics that is, regrettably it affects any and everything, including model boating <:( <:(
Gunna build those other boats one day.


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #781 on: May 21, 2015, 05:07:37 pm »

  The Times today has an article about the Graf von Goetzen, the German gunboat in the film African Queen. Built, or rather reassembled in 1913 on Lake Tanganyika, it is still going strong and transporting refugees from Burundi to Kigoma in Tanzania.
I eat my peas with honey,
I've done it all my life;
It makes the peas taste funny,
But it keeps 'em on the knife.


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #782 on: May 21, 2015, 11:21:37 pm »
Yeah, we do - along with other choice phrases such as "intit cowudd?", "ayergorra wiya?" and "yermardybogger!". Such a rich culture is to be celebrated, especially by Ms Jolie and Ms Parton (who clearly know class when they hear it).
Cheers, m'ducks!
It's just refusing to go away   O0
If you don't go "Aaaaaaah!" then you have a heart of stone.


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #783 on: May 22, 2015, 08:52:35 am »

Good morning
That will be the original " me duck" then Dave
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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #784 on: May 22, 2015, 09:25:42 pm »

It's just refusing to go away   O0
If you don't go "Aaaaaaah!" then you have a heart of stone.
Will probably be delicious in blackcurrant sauce.
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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #785 on: May 23, 2015, 04:28:51 am »

Most boats have no choice but carry Phillipino crew , because of the restrictions on days at sea and quotas the fleet has lost over 50% of our own men to other industries ( mainly oil rig standby boats ) and they will not return in a hurry. It costs a LOT of money to take these guys over so its not greed.

The skipper has to pay ALL transport costs , the immigration fees , provide them with all their clothes/oilskins/bedding , pay for all their safety and compulsory training courses and they are on a contract weekly rate meaning they are the only ones who are guaranteed to get paid every week. It would be no more expensive than taking on a local man and certainly no cheaper ( boat insurance goes up because these guys by law have to live on the boat even when its in harbour ).

There is also the problem that a lot of local ex-fishermen are ex-fishermen due to problems with drink or drugs. Its a simple fact that without these guys there would be NO industry left so slagging off skippers for trying to keep a boat going when the odds of getting suitable crew locally isn't there is , I'm afraid , plain ignorance

If you don't know what your speaking about don't start

Who poked you with a pointy stick today?

You argue that it is over the top regulation that stops UK labour from being employed on boats. I've got news for you- those same laws apply to all not just the UK workforce. So if filipino's are on these boats working as you suggest than the owners or the skippers must be breaking those laws. It makes no sense to as you suggest pay to bring a workforce across the world to work here, when there are unemployed fishermen in this country.

Then you compound everything by claiming the UK workforce are nothing more than drunks and drug takers! That may be true in Fraserburgh but not the other fishing ports around the country.


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #786 on: May 23, 2015, 08:40:49 am »

No, I see Davie's points quite clearly.
There is a shortage of local crew because over 50% have left for steadier jobs in the oil industry and many of those that remain are incapable of continuing in the job because of "health" issues. There would be no point in going to the expense of recruiting and training crew from the Far East if you could just walk out onto the quay and hire experienced locals.
I don't think this is a subject where there's room for opinion; the facts are there for anyone to see. As a 'lay-man' you wouldn't argue the law with a lawyer, so there's little point in arguing with a fisherman about the fishing industry.


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #787 on: May 23, 2015, 09:38:21 am »

, I see Davie's points quite clearly.
 so there's little point in arguing with a fisherman about the fishing industry.

and a man who has long and intimate knowledge of the fishing industry as Davie has..........I would take Davie's information on any point fishing as gospel.........he has personally earned that right through very long and painful service to the fishing industry without equivocation.


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #788 on: May 23, 2015, 11:48:53 am »

So the excuse of why we employ filipinos to fish, does that spread to the use of other nationalities on merchant vessels also? The decline of the UK merchant service and fishing, is solely down to greed of owners.

Why pay the going rate say £10 per hour when you can flag your craft and employ foreign workers at £5? It is endemic with employers in the UK that maximum profit comes at the expense of decent wages, not only in the marine industry but industry in general.

Davie said that the filipinos live on the boats- what sort of living conditions is that? Balance it out, if they had to live ashore with all that entails, they would not be working for the wages that are on offer.

The filipinos are on a fixed wage, uk fishermen are on a percentage of the profit. Some trips they might make nothing at all, but the owners made sure they covered their costs from whatever they caught. Maybe if the uk workers were on a fixed wage then maybe there would be more of them left!

Jerry C

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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #789 on: May 23, 2015, 12:40:09 pm »

We've been here before many times. I went to sea as an apprentice with Blue Funnel in 1967. In those days it seemed like a career for life. Follow the career path and get your gold watch at 65 and retire to a life (short) of relative luxury. All that went down the pan in the early eighties. We had 70 crew on an 8000 ton general cargo vessel doing a round trip to the Far East in 4 months. Along came palletisation then containers, ro-ro etc. merchant navy jobs disappeared. A few of us soldiered on on foreign flag vessels freelance with no paid leave, pensions sick pay or contracts.  We only got work because we were cheaper, whether in wages or insurance costs.  Do I feel guilty, taking another nationals job.  Do I hell!  I needed to keep and feed my family and give them as good a life. Do I feel hard done by? No, any company in any trade needs to follow the market. Any altruism and they go under. It's not greed but common sense. On the odd occasion I've sailed on British flag ships I've been overwhelmed with regulations and bureaucracy and suffered filthy, decrepit and inefficient ports.
My last jobs were taking the new Panama Canal tugs from China to the canal, with 17 tons of fuel stowed on deck in 1M3containers with no reserves. Bunkers and stores in Honolulu where plagued by US officialdom and small boy Coastguards still in short trousers telling me how to do it. No shore leave as I'm an "alien" and not to be trusted. 73 days to cross the Pacific.
Thank god I'm retired and out of it. No accommodation bunks etc as only day runners.


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #790 on: May 27, 2015, 11:18:22 am »

"With the right tool, you can break anything" - Garfield

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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #791 on: May 27, 2015, 12:10:37 pm »

"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models

Bob K

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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #792 on: May 29, 2015, 10:04:16 am »

BBC News:  'Gearing up for the big lift in the North Sea'.

I hope they check the pneumatic lines to the air pump.
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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #793 on: May 29, 2015, 10:16:05 am »

They will need Klunk out there in his waders just in case  %% %% %% {:-{

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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #794 on: May 29, 2015, 01:27:42 pm »

I have see the Pionering Sprit in Rotterdam ,it features in the harbour tour from Masskvlat 2 exibithion center , there is an exclusion zone so the photos I took did not do it justice ,but big is a bit of a understatement.
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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #795 on: May 29, 2015, 06:59:46 pm »

BBC News:  'Gearing up for the big lift in the North Sea'.

I hope they check the pneumatic lines to the air pump.

When the 'Condeeps' - concrete gravity platforms - were installed, they had jetting systems on the bases that allowed the legs to sink down in the seabed. Those jetting systems and the associated pipework are all long gone, mainly through corrosion and breaking the suction between seabed and platform footings will be a very big problem to solve. Even Fred Dibnah or Blaster Bates would be scratching their heads.

Barry M


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #796 on: June 02, 2015, 02:01:00 pm »



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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #797 on: June 02, 2015, 02:16:14 pm »

I'll show my daughter that one........might save me thirty quid a week, lol %% %% {-) {-) {-)


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #798 on: June 06, 2015, 06:49:45 pm »
It's sad when folk can't read the writing on the wall. It's not as if he didn't have a couple of bucks put aside for his old age.......(>40).


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Re: In the News !!!
« Reply #799 on: June 06, 2015, 07:32:29 pm »
It's sad when folk can't read the writing on the wall. It's not as if he didn't have a couple of bucks put aside for his old age.......(>40).
   ...and a very nice blond Olympic gold medal winning lady skier for a companion.
..well can you land on this?
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