And another very emotive subject and please do NOT take this as a political stance, but..............
I was driven past Lancaster Royal infirmary and the A & E departments today whilst on my way to and from Lancaster, and happened to see the picket lines of young Doctors on their strikes.
There was NOT ONE HAPPY OR SMILING FACE amongst the lot of them.They all looked miserable about what they have been forced to do. They clearly would rather be back on duty doing what they care about and have trained so long to do, and that is to look after and care for patients.
This is NOT about wages or salaries for them, it is about being treated decently, humanely and fairly, just as they want to treat us, as patients, so please, next time you see a picket line of these down trodden hard working medicals, pip your horns in support of them and what they are standing for.......truth, honesty, fair play and justice.