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Author Topic: Engle VII/C, O rings  (Read 2367 times)


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Engle VII/C, O rings
« on: July 28, 2011, 04:42:51 pm »

Need some help, on the Engle V/IIC

I am in the process of trying to fit the WTC over the O rings on the Tech Rack and it is extremely difficult to fit.  To the point were i'm affraid I may break somthing.  I've tried using some lube (petroleum jelly, vaseline) still no luck  very very tight!  Any ideas out there?  The Tech rack is built straight and in alignment.  No matter how hard I push it does not want to go completely on.......

Thanks Larry G.


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Re: Engle VII/C, O rings
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 04:51:52 pm »

Sounds like the o-ring is under too much compression. Generally you should have no more than 20-25% compression e.g for a 3mm thick o-ring you want about 0.6-.75mm compression. Also there needs to be space for the o-ring to squish out into, as the rubber will not compress, it just squishes from cylindrical to ellipsoid shape.

I would measure the diameter of the ring/endcap that the o-ring sits on, internal diameter of the cylinder it has to seal, and the thickness of the o-ring.

If the diameter of the endcap is too large, you have three choices-

Work it down to fit (tricky if it's already been glued in).
Fit a thinner o-ring.
Fit a softer o-ring which squishes easier.


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Re: Engle VII/C, O rings
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2011, 05:02:15 pm »

Thank you for the information....Question, is it adviseable to maybe work down a small portion of the inner diameter of the WTC in orde t fit.

Thanks Larry G.


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Re: Engle VII/C, O rings
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2011, 05:07:46 pm »

Are you talking about the tubing or the ring the o-ring sits in?

I'm not overly familiar with that kit, although I've seen build threads on it, and it appears to use an acrylic cylinder. I would not advise messing with that at all. If you want to work the bulkhead, I would say this is possible, if you posses good bench fitting skills- eg. you can file straight. Access to a lathe would make sthings easier still, assuming you can remove the bulkhead. But this may not be necessary. Use some calipers to take some measurements and report back, and we'll go from there.


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Re: Engle VII/C, O rings
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2011, 05:25:20 pm »

Thanks for the info, I won't mess with the acrylic cylinder.............Larry G.
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