I hav just bought one of those Mini Video Cams, looks like a car keyring, and just as small! It is suprisingly good quality, I mounted it on the dashboard of my car ( A bit of Bluetac) and used it while doing a Car Safety couse on a skidpan and such. really impressive sound as well. Anyway, I want to put it on my Fishing Ketch, but after trying various places found the best place was on top of the Wheelhouse. Fine but the Planet RX is under there too, with the aeriel literally a cm away from the Cam. Ther are no motors or such in the Cam and I have tried it out in the garden, OK, but our lake is seriously large, (11kms around the shore) and I don't want to see my pride and joy sail off into the wild blue yonder. More than likely worrying about nowt, but I would like any comments.....