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Author Topic: Possible Interference  (Read 1846 times)


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Possible Interference
« on: July 30, 2011, 10:08:05 am »

I hav just bought one of those Mini Video Cams, looks like a car keyring, and just as small! It is suprisingly good quality, I mounted it on the dashboard of my car ( A bit of Bluetac) and used it while doing a Car Safety couse on a skidpan and such. really impressive sound as well. Anyway, I want to put it on my Fishing Ketch, but after trying various places found the best place was on top of the Wheelhouse. Fine but the Planet RX is under there  too, with the aeriel  literally a cm away from the Cam. Ther are no motors or such in the Cam and I have tried it out in the garden, OK, but our lake is seriously large, (11kms around the shore) and I don't want to see my pride and joy sail off into the wild blue yonder. More than likely worrying about nowt, but I would like any comments.....


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Re: Possible Interference
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2011, 10:31:53 am »

I would try sailing on a smaller water and do a range check by walking away. 
With interference, a lot depends on the system being used.  Any AM system will be prone to pick up and resolve any spurious signal as valid information.  It doesn't have to be in the right band, a brute force source of local interference can overwhelm a distant "proper" signal.  FM is less prone to this kind of thing, 2.4GHz is almost completely immune.
If the camera has some means of communicating with other devices, it might provide a signal in the same band as the radio.  I don't know if bluetooth is in the 2.4GHz band, but a source very close to a receiver might swamp out the signal from the transmitter at distance.
Another check I would try would be to switch the TX off and see if the servos etc start twitching with or without the camera switched on.  On the other hand, ghost has been doing this sort of thing for some years, albeit on a much smaller water.
"With the right tool, you can break anything" - Garfield


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Re: Possible Interference
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2011, 02:14:09 pm »

11k is a long way to see your model anyway as to interferance from the camera if this is the 808 keyfob camera then it do`snt transmit a signal it records the video onto a microcard I myself and a few others use these 808 cameras in water proof housings strapped to our subs dive surface and generaly run amok and I dont think any of us have experianced any form of interference to or from the camera itself hope this helps and sets your mind at easy. oh yes and you are right the quality of video and sound is superb.

Regards Mark
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