My first impression when i drove down the road towards the museum, seeing that sub was at first "^^^^^^^ hell!", then i couldnt help but admire the beauty in her, and to hear that she is a rusty old piece of unwanted, unloved piece of metal, lying on her side just down the dock is really sad!
Having been on the sub, (doing a das-boot hatch swing as i moved aft on a couple of occasions - something you cant do on onyx as the hatches dont have the same rim design and so nothing to cling to) i can confirm that only 10 visitors were allowed through at once, guided by curator Frank.
As regards the Falklands issue, it is an insult to the service personnel and merchant navy volunteers who died in the operation to liberate the islands that Plymouth may get cut up because no museum wants her. All this because the mill that the ships were moored up by are to be turned into yuppie flats at half a mil a throw!