I've given in! Just starting my first Springer, I was wondering what to do with some thin ply that I'd got when dismantling some drawers and this seemed the obvious answer!
I plan to use various bits I've got hanging around, powered by this old 500ish motor, don't really know anything more about it, It has a sticker stating 'Duplex Craft Co.
67/69 Kirkdale Rd South Wigstone on it and it seems to run OK. Ive a shaft and a 3 blade 35mm prop and 2 x lead Acid 6v 4.5Ah batteries.
Don't know about the topsides yet it might be just another Tug type although the thought of 'Ark Springer' with a Harrier type ramp does keep coming to mind!
We are away for a couple of weeks now but update when more happens.