I would really recommend having a look at Picaxe microcontrollers.
http://www.picaxe.com/What-Is-PICAXEYou program these in high level 'BASIC' which is lot easier to get to grips with.
Many of the routines built in are geared towards R/C, e.g. measuring receiver pulses and controlling servos have dedicated commands
The documentation for these controllers is excellent, with all the routines/commands well explained, with code examples. there is a free to download simulator, so you can check your code before flahing it to the chip. Also they have a great users forum, with really helpful and knowledgeable people.
The prices of the chips are roughly the same as conventional PIC microcontrollers, the penalty you pay over conventional PIC chips programmed in assembler, is speed. IF your goal is to build a leveller or perhaps a brushless ESC, then assembler may still be necessary.
However for the majority of applications you won't notice the difference, and the Picaxe chips are improving all the time, some of the latest models clock at 64mhz.