Hi, I'm rebuilding my U-47. Finally ditched the traditional system and gone for the bayonet system. I never used any grease or vasaline before on the large 'O' ring. This is because I always considerred vasaline would eat the rubber, being pure pertrolium jelly. For the bayonet system 'O' ring I'm considering to use something that is bio-degradable atleast nothing aggresive. Maybe some olive oil. However during a recent meeting I went to at St Albans most used vasaline. Seems the norm.Your mention about Dream-Arts shop closed. That's a pity. He had some good stuff. I bought a deck from him. Your last point for the front servo and waterproofing. Yes you will need a water tight connector. You could make one. You could have standard servo connection then installed into a small plastic can (screw top). Try to use something as small as possible not to have too much air, or then you might have trim problems. My boat will have a 40 contact connector that I've found on RS catalogue. I need this for various accessories I've added (speaker in conning tower, other servos for future torpedo launch system, waterproof camera, revolving 88mm). I made a connector before using 2 sub Ds, but this failed. RS do sell some smaller waterproof connectors with 2, 3, 8 connections. I'll post some pictures at the weekend of the status of my re-build.