From six years in Poland appeared new magazine for shipmodellers "MODELARSTWO OKRETOWE".
MODELARSTWO OKRETOWE - 44 pages of bimonthly magazine in full colour A4
format with additional Special Issue released twice a year - presents
exclusively boat modeling of carton, plastic, resin, radio control, sailing
ships, micromodelling, etc. any aspects of ships and boat modeling.
Every issue includes:
- Professional large model plans, computer plotting of various ships (reversible A1 format)
- Small model plans of various ships for micromodellers (a few A3 and A4 pages)
- 3D graphics and plans of several navy weapons and auxiliary equipment
About my magazin you can read here in English
http://www.shipmodels.info/mws_forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13159The contents and samples of plans and 3D graphics you can download from here
http://www.modelarstwookretowe.pl/index.php?p=44My official webside is:
www.modelarstwookretowe.plThe price one any issue with professional large plan is only 6 GBP !!!
For more archival issues - discount!
If You want to buy

, please write e-mail saga@modelarstwookretowe.pl
Best regards
Sylwester Grabarczyk