improvements for next mayhem
1. NO vertical mist
2. One big BBQ like the one in the field that everyone can sit round and a couple can cook!
3. I think we should introduce a a home produce range. Younger at 70 could make Mayhem Marmalade!! Home brew is allowed. etc
4. Phil needs to learn to run faster so Stavs boats don't keep breaking!
5. Less burnt out ESC!!!
6. More FUN, There was Still loads but MORE needed!
A big thanks to WPMBC, Martin and family (even if everytime I went for a tea there was no hot water!!) the whole steering group. Our Northern Brethren, the Welsh contingent, Tommy the pooch, Richtea for the pics. Phil for supplying whatever it is he supplies an his constant banter. And most importantly to all those who attended. Without you all this just would not happen!