Hi All
we are gutted that Wickstead has been cancelled for what ever reasion. The way I see it is we pick up dust our self off and move on.
Now Wickstead had the advantage of beening in a good central location, with having good roads from the north south and west and the east.
Any on can turn up and pay wickstaed entrance fee to get in to the park and use the lake.
So while we wait to see what mayhem 2013 will be, why done we do an unorgnised mayhem2012. Ok there will be no traders on tea/coffey tent
but there is the lake and hope fully some good weather.
We all injoy this show lets not let it die. All we need is a frequency chart/board for 27mhz and 40 mhz.
So if we turn up on June 2, 2012 Sat and a fun day .
So what do you all say are we in or not.