Is this a bait boat ? Or is it for towing lines out and being used as a small fishing boat. as I would have thought it would be usless dropping bait in rough water.
welcome to the deseased thread on second hand equipment, since you have only just joined allow me to for the final time explain the whole lot again from the begining !
i due to a spinal injury am unable to cast at any distance when sea fishing, one solution to this problem is called the " aquacat dingly berry" which is a sea going bait boat, due to its cost of £1500 i wanted to build one similar to it.
the basic spec for the auqa cat is a range of 500metres at sea, a weight of 14 kilos and a strucual size of 300mm by 300mm by 1000mm, the type of the aerial and transmitter is not speced so i did ask which one to use, 25,35, 40,2.5, being a beginer most of the books i have borrowed from the libraries of birmingham do not even mention 2.4Gh let alone explain singal locking and tracking. so i thought i woul dread up about it here, but no one has done that sticky yet.
after a lot of time reading past articale and threads i decided to join this forum and start to educate myself better.
the first posted question was the use of a petrol style fueled engine or IC. the reasons for this is very simple, batteries, to use this bait boat will need 4 trips per hour and four hours long, at least, the aqua cat uses one battery per trip so that is far to many batteries to carry plus the fishing gear etc etc so the idea of a bucket of fuel rather than a wheel barrow of batteries and or a generator, every keeps mentioning lipos but not untill my mentor explained them to me did i find out what they were on about, even then we are not that keen on those or any other battery.
so since the few books on ic engines are mainly designed for aircraft means they are designed to run at 2 to 10 thousand rpm, where as a boat prop would be nearer a few hundred so what we would nead is a slow running ic engine, we have decided for the prototype to use electric as it makes the design easier to use, the proper version is to use an ic motor. this will be simple to water cool and a simple snorkle to vent.
the next question posted and this thread was supposed to be a question of why, what, where,whom etc about someone buying second hand equipment.
due to this forum not running a mentor system of some such or form, and generaly the negative replys and such like i asked on several other forums that deal with radio control, on one of these i have bean offered a mentoring from a gentleman in northyorkshire, this person used to run model boats but now only does cars, he is open to the idea of sea boats, designs made on the hoof and a general bodge, never once have any suggestion bean knocked back but all have been built on, it was this support i was expecting here but have not found.
someone did mention the ideas of bridges and burning, to say the truth, i only came back to see if any one had posted on this section and on this particular thread, someone asked what i was up to, i replied adding the usual negativity i feel here when on this forum
so starts the slanging and the previous comments.
as a newwbie wanting guidence and construtive thoughts etc the whole mentor thing is what is needed badly.
on three other forums i would be classed as one of the major posters and on all of them the whole mentor thing is taken very seriously as without the new blood and the continual passing of help and knowledge things start to break down.
someone mentioned earlier that a multipul question comes with mulltipul answers, where as with a mentor there is one and a why we use this one rather than the others, multiple answers to a newbie only confuses me not answers my questions, maybe people with more knowledge than me should remeber these points and why not add a few beginers stickies covering these points!!