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Author Topic: Mayhem Medical Section  (Read 106417 times)

Tug-Kenny RIP

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Mayhem Medical Section
« on: December 19, 2011, 08:53:01 pm »

I thought I would start a medical section.  This is NOT meant to be taken seriously or to frighten any body, but to ask for simple advice like Wot Granny would recommend.

I shall start this off by saying I will be 70 soon and don't think much of that. I still think like a 25 year old but find there are things my body will not allow.  (no funny comments lads)

My reason for bringing up this subject is that, lately I have be seeing spots in my right eye. These appear as blurry spots and flashing colours across my vision which move when I'm looking around. The effect has come on in the the last 5 days and I wondered if it might be due to Spray painting my boat.

I have been working in my garage with the doors shut and a proper spray mask with twin filters. I didn't notice any repulsive smells and kept working away for around two hours. My wife came in and ran out because of the strong fumes. We wondered if there was build up of carbon dioxide in the mask as it was wet.

I do know and appreciate air ventilation systems and will certainly NOT ever be doing this again.  It may be just a coincidence, but wondered if anyone else has experience of this.  Have I poisoned myself ??  

I am booked in with the professionals tomorrow for a more accurate analysis but wondered if fellow boat builders have come across this. It's disturbing (to say the least) when trying to build now as it won't go away, and even affects me looking at this screen. I find dark glasses help at the moment.



Just Googled it.   My advice here is don't ................................ <:(   I feel worse now

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 09:13:34 pm »

Have you considered the fact you may have had the spray nozzle pointed in the wrong direction? Aternatively, try taking your glasses off and see if that helps %)


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2011, 09:31:22 pm »

Would seem you have joined the "Club", welcome aboard.
Google "floaters in eye" and follow it up.
The reality is, the brain does not age as quickly in some cases, as the body.
The more active you are the more it is noticeable.

Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 09:35:13 pm »


I would think it is unlikely to be due to your modelling activities and could be due to your age. You are doing the right thing to get it checked out as soon as possible as there are many things which can affect your vision as you get older. The symptoms you describe are possibly indicative of retinal tear or detachment which can be fixed if you seek help straightaway as you are doing.

I noticed earlier this year that I was becoming increasingly short sighted at a very rapid rate. Being already very deaf and also suffering from glaucoma (hopefully stabilised) it set the alarm bells ringing. Being both deaf and blind is not exactly an enticing prospect!

In my case it seems that I have cataracts in both eyes, one worse than the other. My consultant recommended a cataract operation immediately after Christmas which I am having done privately as it would take several months to sort out on the NHS and there is the risk that I might otherwise have to stop driving.

Andy, these things are no joking matter and your post is out of order. One day you will be old too - if you are lucky.



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2011, 09:37:22 pm »

You could try the Optrex eyebath treatment...see if that helps?

What type of paint we're you spraying?...I find acrylic the worst and now only use enamels, not nice when its eye trouble {:-{

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2011, 09:46:05 pm »

Hi, I go along with Colin, go and see the pro,s ASAP. Hope it is not serious, Nemesis


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2011, 09:50:13 pm »


Think it has nothing to do with model boating as such.

Sounds very much like "floaters" which Colin has described or hopefully, simple eye migraine.

Definitely needs to be checked, you take no chances with your eyes.

Welsh Wizard

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2011, 09:54:31 pm »

Colin I have NO doubt in my mind that Andy's comment was NOT a derrogatory comment at all it was meant to lighten the situation.There is NO way on earth that Spray can Aerosols will have that effect on you Ken.Definatly YOU are doing the right thing in getting yourself checked out.


Patrick Henry

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2011, 09:56:02 pm »

Ken, this takes me back years to when I suffered a detached retina in my left was like looking at a computer screen and seeing each individual pixel, a very strange feeling indeed, and to be honest, very scary.

It was put down to the fact that I'd fractured my skull when I was seventeen and have a plate in my head, I can't remember the exact diagnosis, but it was something to do with that. Medication and an eye patch for a couple of weeks cured it, but I still get the same even now, especially after a period of concentrating on assembling small items.

You've done the right thing in seeking medical advice, I hope all goes well for you. Keep us informed, huh?



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2011, 09:57:06 pm »

Colin I have NO doubt in my mind that Andy's comment was NOT a derrogatory comment at all it was meant to lighten the situation.


Marks Model Bits

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2011, 10:03:37 pm »

Andy, these things are no joking matter and your post is out of order. One day you will be old too - if you are lucky.

For christs sake it was a joke!!!! Lighten up >>:-( >>:-(

Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2011, 10:33:08 pm »

Of course it was a joke, I realise that, but Ken is looking for reassurance in what is a scary situation and juvenile humour doesn't help so it's not a question of 'lighten up' more a case of 'grow up'.

Mark, would you have appreciated it if members had poked fun and had a laugh at the expense at Angie's recent problems?



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2011, 10:35:51 pm »


Think it has nothing to do with model boating as such.

Sounds very much like "floaters" which Colin has described or hopefully, simple eye migraine.

Definitely needs to be checked, you take no chances with your eyes.

May not be related to Ken's spray painting I agree but just a suggestion to try to ease the discomfort, grazed the surface of my right eye over 20 years ago which was repaired by a surgeon but its still sensitive to irritation :-X

I occasionally get 'floaters', they look like bits of string drifting around! usually after looking at a PC screen for too long or close up modelling (I'm 58)

Of course a specialist examination is required soon as possible too.

Lets hope Ken finds out what the problem is quickly.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2011, 10:37:55 pm »

Thank you all for your concern. I've just switched on the PC for a quick read before bed.    Just seen the smiley to match the situation  ok2.

I'm inclined to think it's not the paint at all Dave and have indeed Googled it.  Mind you, I'm not sure I'm going to sleep well.  Will report back after visit tomorrow. 

cheers,  great support.    :-))


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Marks Model Bits

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2011, 10:45:07 pm »

Mark, would you have appreciated it if members had poked fun and had a laugh at the expense at Angie's recent problems?

Why not, I did!!   Limpy, hop along and putting her crutches just out of reach were some of the tame ones.... My personal fave was when she bent over her scars made it look like her backside was frowning!!!


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2011, 10:56:15 pm »

I'm a General Practice MD with some postgrades and a lot of experience in Opthalmologic deceases, so a beg You, go today, yestarday to the Opthalmologic specialist and get now the blood pressure mesarued, sorry but it can be a real medical Urgency.
Best wishes.

Welsh Wizard

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2011, 10:59:05 pm »

I'm a General Practice MD with some postgrades and a lot of experience in Opthalmologic deceases, so a beg You, go today, yestarday to the Opthalmologic specialist and get now the blood pressure mesarued, sorry but it can be a real medical Urgency.
Best wishes.

My father was an optician and cant agree more with what you are saying.


Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2011, 11:12:14 pm »

Andy and I have now exchanged PMs and I hope we now appreciate each other's point of view better. I understand that he meant no harm in his post and was only trying to reassure Ken who I hope will get a positive diagnosis tomorrow.

Mark, have you showed your post to Angie? My understanding was that she was in a lot of pain previously and I hope that she is fully recovered now. I know people joke about these things to deal with the situation but when you come down to it, it isn't really funny is it?


Marks Model Bits

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2011, 11:21:37 pm »

Mark, have you showed your post to Angie?

Yes I did...... Before I posted it and if she didn't agree to it, it wouldn't have been posted......


Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2011, 11:33:59 pm »

You didn't answer my question though....  Is it really funny?

Last year, afrer a negative bowel cancer screening, I had an internal inspection.  Basically they shove a camera up your nether regions and you can watch it on video as it happens. It's amazing how far they can get... You can almost see what you had for lunch the previous day.

Afterwards, while waiting for the results, I was sitting next to another guy who had had the same procedure. He looked pretty miserable until I said that it was the first time I'd really been up myself which made him laugh. But really, it wasn't all that funny.


Marks Model Bits

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2011, 11:40:33 pm »

Yes it is funny....


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2011, 11:42:07 pm »

Kenny mentioned this to my wife tonight (she's a retired GP and worked at Sunderlland eye Infirmary for two years.)
Her answer was DONT MUCK ABOUT WHERE YOUR EYES ARE CONCERNED get them checked out with your GP who can
soon refer you to the ophthalmology clinic at your local hospital if it is needed - if it isn't needed he can at least put your mind at rest.


Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2011, 11:43:44 pm »

Yes it is funny....

Well, I think we will have to disagree on that then!

Still love your gear though.



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2011, 11:47:49 pm »

Hi Colin

I just wanted to reassure you that Ken would not have taken offence at Mark's post. Ken dropped in for a coffee and a chat a while back and he did mention that he and Mark know each other.

Ken is one of life's true gentlemen and has a wonderful sense of humour!



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2011, 11:49:15 pm »

Ah me hearties, it is good to see that Mayhem is alive and well, long she live  %) %) %) {-) {-) {-)
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