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Author Topic: Mayhem Medical Section  (Read 119622 times)

Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2011, 12:00:14 am »


Yes I have met Ken on a number of occasions. A true gentleman as you say, which is why I really feel for him having experienced similar problems of my own.

I have found that passing 60 seems to be a bit of a watershed. As Ken quite rightly says, mentally you feel the same as you always did but your body doesn't play ball. Younger people fail to appreciate that and tend to take a rather too frivolous attitude towards age related afflictions. Their turn will come of course and my consolation is that I retired at a younger age than they will be able to.  :}



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2011, 12:42:01 am »

Younger people fail to appreciate that and tend to take a rather too frivolous attitude towards age related afflictions. Their turn will come of course and my consolation is that I retired at a younger age than they will be able to.  :}

I'm 19, and a couple of years back I suffered a month of tendonitis in my left leg and foot and could hardly walk. I now quite possibly have varicose veins in both legs, just like my dad, and his father.

I think I do appreciate the 'attitude to age related afflictions', because I have one of them already.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2011, 12:43:01 am »

All the best with the check up Ken. Just remember there is always someone worse off than you. Me.

As Godo said, get to the doctors and let them sort it out. Keep off the Googling, all you will do is worry the life out of yourself.

Last time I had similar symptoms to yours it was caused by high blood pressure which was easily sorted out.

Let me know how you get on mate. :-))
Richard Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club

Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2011, 12:51:05 am »

I think I do appreciate the 'attitude to age related afflictions', because I have one of them already.

Well, I can sympathise with that Andy and I hope that you have made a full recovery. At your age it should be possiible to sort things out for the future with a bit of luck.

Ken has really kicked something off with this topic! Can it be possible that there exists a member of Model Boat Mayhem without some sort orf acute medical problem?



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2011, 01:44:25 am »

Well, I can sympathise with that Andy and I hope that you have made a full recovery. At your age it should be possiible to sort things out for the future with a bit of luck.

Ken has really kicked something off with this topic! Can it be possible that there exists a member of Model Boat Mayhem without some sort orf acute medical problem?


We can only hope.
Realistically the law of probability and human frailty, makes that a slim percentage at best.
Young people think they are bullet proof, it will never happen to me.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2011, 02:33:52 am »

Kenny good luck tomorrow :-))

I have my fair share of medical problems. I'm 54 and I suppose most (not all) are my own fault.
I don't mind people laughing with me about them - but of course not laughing at me. That is the
only distinction I choose to find important.

Many problems you can get pills, advice or surgery for, but the doctor has been quite brutal lads,
there is nothing he can do about my big mouth  {-) I'm Scouse so what can you expect eh?

Calm Down, Calm Down ................ there I go being a stereotype again, ho hum  ;D


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2011, 03:18:48 am »

Can it be possible that there exists a member of Model Boat Mayhem without some sort orf acute medical problem?

Probably, but the chances are they are among the younger brigade, although Andy-MMB contradicts that assumption. I have 2 plates and 13 screws in my left leg, which I broke in 1999, and an artificial knee in my right leg, as of 6 months ago. However, I am still very active and, while both legs get sore occasionally, I feel I am not too badly off when I see others of a similar age to me (75 next month <:( ) I ride my bike fairly regularly, walk quite a bit, and have been busy renovating the house at our farm, where we will be moving to in late January or early February.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2011, 04:10:45 am »

Its like this ...

Were all manly men, beer,lass's, big powerful boats..

I'm 40.A kid by some standard's O0 LOL!

One thing I well absolutely suggest an another is an absolute mandate
#A-- Get your prostate checked

#B..and this is not negotiable,based on life experience..Any pain in your testicles for more than 4 hrs get to a doctor..#B.1=== And this goes for mostly the younger crowd..again based on experience..Talk to your doctor about how to inspect your testicle's..especially if your less 30yrs old..and a guy isn't off the hook over 30 either. Cancer grows at a ridiculous rate in our genital region ..You may well be saving your own life (both of them)learning a few simple techniques..

Guy's getting red in the face in front of your doctor is alot better than white knuckle scared awaiting surgery or pale grey in front of the mortician.



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2011, 08:24:38 am »

I hope all works out well for you Ken, it is probably a temporary thing, at least we all hope so. Somehow our brains do not get old like our bodies do, I am still 25 in my head, now if only my body would behave the same way. I find since I had a stroke & have high blood pressure that my eye sight changes on a daily basis. Sometimes I can see better without my glasses than with them. A change in Blood pressure changes the curve of your eyeball & that changes the focus. Our eyes are not what they used to be as we get older( I am 66) However when I get up every morning & I am still looking down on the grass, it is much better than looking up at the roots. Sometimes I have pains where I did not know I had a body. Because of our hobby we have a tendency to over work our eyes, my eye doctor once said to me " you don't drive your car flat out all the time, why do you do it to your eyes". At the time I was really into building electronic kits ( Heathkit ) Andy I thought you joke was quite harmless but when the problem is health related some of us are very sensitive about it ( not Me ) I have just had some tests done, Ultrasound & Xrays, the Doctor said there is a suspicion that there is a lump on my liver that needs further checking. He said "go & enjoy your holidays & see me when you get back". That is exactly what I intend to do. ( we are going to Maui) At that time they will do an MRI scan. AM I worried, just a little, but when I am looking all the nice bikini's & girls in them it will help to put my mind on better things.( No rude or smart remarks please) Merry Christmas & a happy New Year EVERYBODY. Mick B.   
Mick B.

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2011, 08:34:18 am »

Good luck with things and hope it gets sorted out.

Regards Tony

Tug-Kenny RIP

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2011, 10:44:31 am »

Hi everyone.

As Colin says, this could prove to be our release blog section. It's great to have a trouble shared as it's a trouble halved. I'm overwhelmed by your support. Thank you.

I was up early  (mmph!!!) and waiting outside their door along with 32 others, so have only just got back.

There is a problem so they have advised going to the opticians first for an 'in depth test' with their  (better ?)  machines and then I have to go to the eye hospital. The car has been banned so it's out with the Bus pass.  (scheesh it's not a good picture of me on that)

Jon is also correct about the prostrate and Bladder in us boaty's. I'm have been on this route for the 5 years and hopefully coming out the other side. Ah! the miracle of modern medicine , eh Godo. (nice to hear from you)

I nominate Dicky D as leader of this section. What with his experiences and anecdotes this column could run and run. I have a two hour break waiting for the next section of the adventure to begin so I shall relax in a darkened room.   :} :} :} :}

Thank you all once again


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2011, 11:06:28 am »

I nominate Dicky D as leader of this section. What with his experiences and anecdotes this column could run and run. I have a two hour break waiting for the next section of the adventure to begin so I shall relax in a darkened room.   :} :} :} :}

Thank you all once again


Thanks Ken, are you insinuating that I am the one with the most ailments on the forum ?

Anyone wanting to know about COPD or emphysema, cause and effects, or just want to talk about it please contact me.

Either PM or on the forum will do, or Skype if you like.

Best of luck Ken, speak to you later. 
Richard Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2011, 11:18:09 am »

The car has been banned so it's out with the Bus pass.  (scheesh it's not a good picture of me on that

You have my sympathy Ken! When I started having seizures following my stroke I lost my driving licence on medical grounds. At first it seemed like the end of the world (unable to work, unable to drive and the seizures) but you can get used to and accept almost anything. But what the heck - I got a bus pass and now have accepted that i will never drive again. In truth i would not want to drive if I posed any kind of a risk to others. Life changed but I still enjoy myself and find that it is possible to have a good and happy life within the restrictions imposed by my medical condition.

Hopefully the doctors will sort the problem out for you and you will be back driving soon.

Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.


Tug-Kenny RIP

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #38 on: December 20, 2011, 03:51:25 pm »

Thanks Jon

Gentlemen, we have the definitive answer.  The results of tests show that I have
            Posterial Vitreous Detatchment.

What's that, I hear you say.  :}   It seem that the inside of the eyeball has started to break away from the skull and torn at the connecting wires and allowed a floater into the back of the eyeball. This will move with out a care in the world and appear sometimes in the vision as a small furry cloud.

They have sent me on my way all smiles and relief and told to live with it.  8)  Hey Ho. the wonders of modern science. I am allowed to drive and lead a normal life, so it's back to the workshop for me.


Regards to you all and thank you for your interest.

                                     Next case please.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #39 on: December 20, 2011, 03:59:31 pm »

Nice one Ken, forget the boat for a moment and go and make your good lady a nice cup of tea and apologize for worrying the life out of her.

Seriously though, great news even with your furry cloud which [ might improve your painting]. 
Richard Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2011, 04:17:00 pm »

Thanks Richard. It is indeed a happy house. Mind you, at the moment I've got eyeballs like saucers, due to the fluid they squirted in.

It's great to have our club with help from members all over the world. Very comforting in times of need. To be honest, when it happened, I was painting at the time.  haven't been back in there yet to see if it went wrong as 'She' has forbidden any work until after Xmas. Will be looking out for smudges.   {-)

Come on Chaps, someone else's problem please or I'll talk about the day I was hammering a white hot piece of steel  (held in pliers)  ooooooooh!! .


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Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #41 on: December 20, 2011, 04:26:29 pm »

Posterial Vitreous Detatchment.

Sounds as if your bottom has fallen off into the water....

Very glad it was nothing more serious.



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2011, 04:31:06 pm »

My Mother, who is a an MD too, when tell me about hers deceases, always the most exotic and rare, some day She said, MIJITO(thats meaning my little son) I'm getting blind, what are you going to do?, well I take hers glasses and washed it, the severe opthalmologic disease was washed away :D, I have cancer of the Prostate, I'm came from two surgeries, test every month, a lot of RX, gamma gramas, tomography's, etc every 3 month, but I can do it because of the sense of humor, I make funny Jock every time about it and it worked for me and Family, we do not take the cancer seriously, but I get my test very seriously way.
Best wishes for all You Gentlemen


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2011, 04:35:31 pm »

Dear Tug I'm happy about that, now is time to get some test to Cholesterol in blood. of course in January. best wishes

Patrick Henry

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #44 on: December 20, 2011, 04:45:48 pm »

Greta news Ken, I'm well pleased for you. A fair load off your mind, I bet...


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2011, 04:51:23 pm »

 Did they do the usual checks for advance adolescence  insanity ... or did you remind him you're into model boats?!   %)

 Good news Kenny boy, put your feet up for Christmas.  :kiss:
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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #46 on: December 20, 2011, 04:57:56 pm »

Dear Tug I'm happy about that, now is time to get some test to Cholesterol in blood. of course in January. best wishes

Hi Godo

Funny you say that. My good lady has been just been diagnosed with diabetes and we have invested in the home blood testing Kit. I was designated the administrator of said kit.    %)

Of course I had to have a go on myself and wished I hadn't.  My readings are over the top as well so you could be right. Does a reading of 10.2 mean anything  ?

Hi U33.

You wanna believe it. Phew and phew again. I thought at first it was a stroke.

Hi Martin

I nearly bought the cakes all round but remembered where I was.

Merry Christmas Chief


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #47 on: December 20, 2011, 06:20:49 pm »

This is excellent news Ken!



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #48 on: December 20, 2011, 06:21:16 pm »

Hi, when feeling sorry for myself, about my ache's and pains, I alway remember the line Billy Connelly came out with when offering sympathy to Old Tam and his very bad cough. Tam's reply, "The graveyard is full of people that would love to have my problems"
If it ain't broke it ain't mine


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #49 on: December 20, 2011, 06:44:02 pm »

Good to hear you're ok and haven't painted your glasses mate ;)

You really must pop round for a cuppa again soon, your boats getting in the way....

Andy :-)
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