Hi Tug Kenny, I had an experience of a 'grid of dots' in my right eye and I was amazed at the speed the NHS moved. Withing 40 minutes of leaving the doc's surgery I was being looked at by an eye consultant, I am pretty sure he also diagnosed Posterial Vitreous Detatchment. But after a few days the dots just vanished or maybe my brain cancelled them out!
I have a few floaters in both eyes but I can shake my head a bit and they move away from central vision. If anyone wants to check if you have any look at a white ceiling.
I had a prostate op 3 years ago, involving the scrape out, mine was quite large and I had the benefit of the consultant there as he was training the other guy. It is amazing just how big a tube can be inserted!!! I was awake and had the epidural injection, which I would recommend.
In retrospect I only read the small print of the operation 2 days before the op, I later found out that there are other ways of shrinking the prostate, leaving some 'vital' bits still working.
Anyone had an alternative op?
regards Roy