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Author Topic: Mayhem Medical Section  (Read 108555 times)


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #125 on: February 04, 2012, 11:55:24 am »

Shingles is only contagious to those who haven't had chicken pox, if you or others have had chicken pox, you can't 'catch' shingles.

Oh yes you can and you can have chicken pox more than once though this is rare.

I just guess I am a lucky bu gger, if its going I seem to get it.
Richard Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #126 on: February 04, 2012, 12:06:20 pm »

Today seems an improvement.  It's on the upper back and side of her arm but no new outbreaks so it seems to be settling . We are using the creams and it's looking all-right at the moment.

Thank you for your thoughts and advice. We can now worry about my sniffles.  :}



Pull yourself together man, stop worrying about your sniffles and get on with your boat building. >>:-(

Tell your better half I am thinking of her as I've been there and done that, so know what its like. Hope she's better soon. O0
Richard Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #127 on: February 04, 2012, 12:25:51 pm »

Cheers Richard, comfort can always be drawn from friends. 

Hope you're coping with the weather all-right.  We have snow here in Newport and I've just walked the dog, so feeling chilly at the Mo'.

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #128 on: February 04, 2012, 12:37:49 pm »

Minus 11C last night, plus 1C now and getting darker. They say snow this PM.

I am not to bad at the moment, daren't go outside though, I am soldering handrails for my Armidale at the moment. :-))
Richard Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #129 on: February 04, 2012, 01:34:42 pm »

Minus 11C last night, plus 1C now and getting darker. They say snow this PM.

Thanks for the forecast Dicky  :-)) now I feel so much happier about working outside tonight
(Railways) <:(

I keep waking up with banging headaches and nausea ............. no magic mead involved.
Sometimes they can also come on quickly at home and are quite debilitating when they do that.
Tablets don't seem to help either. Now you will say go to the doctors ............ I did - He said
(in appalling English) that they were stress headaches and to take tablets. I said but I've just
told you they do no real good. He said I will give you '?' tablets then. So I repeated my earlier
specific comments about particular drugs on the railways. It was a conversation I would have
been better having with a seven year old. I ended up leaving without being helped - and I don't
think they are stress related. Yes my job is stressful when in the thick of it but unlike my
previous jobs I can 90% leave it behind when I clock off - just a few calls and checks to do.

I chatted to my sister in law (she manages all the blood and tissue tests etc in a local hospital).
She told me some horror stories about this doc. She checked after he prescribed drugs for her
very ill father - the chemist said 'are these for your Dad' ........... 'if he takes these with his usual
meds it will probably kill him' in the end they rang the surgery, explained, and where still told to
get them. She didn't and changed surgeries. Apparently he has the most complaints in the county.

I'm not surprised because the communication is so poor. I won't get an appointment with him again
but how do they get taken on if they don't speak really good English? Now I don't care that he is black
or another is Chinese, Spanish, Asian - it's not that I want a white English doctor. I just want one
that understands his patients specific complaint and not just the general gist of it all.......... maybe.



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #130 on: February 04, 2012, 01:54:36 pm »

I'll think about you tonight Dave.
Someone has to sweep the 'wrong' snow off the lines  %% %%
Seriously though get yourself a new GP if you can with better
communication skills....and medical skills it would seem.

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #131 on: February 04, 2012, 01:56:24 pm »

You are entitled to a  'Second opinion'.  By asking for one then you may be taken more seriously.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #132 on: February 04, 2012, 06:26:58 pm »

Oh yes you can and you can have chicken pox more than once though this is rare.

I just guess I am a lucky bu gger, if its going I seem to get it.

Your sure can. I had chicken pox when i was a kid and had shingles about 6 years ago. Very unpleasant it was too.

Kenny - please give your wife our very best wishes.

john s 2

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #133 on: February 04, 2012, 07:54:11 pm »

Dave. No doubt you are aware that you can change to any practise that will take you. Depending on where you are, a large practise might be best as a bigger choice of doctors. It might be best to pop in and chat to the receptionist or practise manager. If you like the practise then you can sign on the spot and see a doctor right away. Without having any more contact with your previous doctor. Good luck. John.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #134 on: February 04, 2012, 08:08:12 pm »

Hi Guys

It was a great practice but over the years the doctors changed and now you never know what you will get - oh and a lot of locums too.
However the other facilities are great - like my diabetic nurse. Ha Ha - sorry (diabetes nurse) that sounded like she has the diabetes - isn't
english a great language if you ignore the rules. Anyway I'm just going to insist I don't see that particular doc anymore.

........... ah well, time to start getting ready for work - but at least our PPE is excellent stuff.

john s 2

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #135 on: February 04, 2012, 08:31:03 pm »

Good luck wish you well. I also have Diabetis, So know what you mean about good advise. John.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #136 on: March 09, 2012, 08:10:07 pm »

I'm sad today
had to have my old knackered dog put to sleep
Jenny is heartbroken
but it was time as Buzz was suffering every extra day
I can't cry buckets over him like the wife is
and she probably thinks I'm a bit heartless - I'm not.
Two dogs and the cat gone in eighteen months - all
old though, and were well looked after recue animals.



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #137 on: March 09, 2012, 09:17:39 pm »

Don't know what to say to ease your sorrow Dave,
it never gets any easier, but you know that you did the right thing.
Just remember that the pair of you  gave the dog the love and care and a good home.
That means a lot.

john s 2

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #138 on: March 09, 2012, 09:40:15 pm »

Dave. Thanks to your love and kindness your pets had a loved and wanted life. Of course you will miss them. Hopefully one day when the time right you may take on more. My thoughts are with you.John.

Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #139 on: March 09, 2012, 09:59:03 pm »

It is indeed very sad and my sympathy to Dave and his Wife who did the right thing by Buzz. But while we can put an end to our pets suffering, the law prevents us putting an end to our own when the time comes and that cannot be right.



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #140 on: March 10, 2012, 12:40:12 am »

Thanks Lads

I appreciate the thoughts - and it's a nice ecommunity we have here.

Colin, I agree, the law is an Ass.


Patrick Henry

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #141 on: March 10, 2012, 08:04:18 am »

My condolences Dave...I remember the feeling when myself and ex wife had to make the same decision with her little dog, and then having to go through with it. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life.

Hang in there fella....



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #142 on: March 10, 2012, 08:16:57 am »

Know how you feel Dave , I lost my big man just before christmas and it still hurts when I see his pictures , but things get better as time goes by. I have re-homed and this one is a real handfull 13 months and has never been taught anything so I have a teenage hyper active delinquent GSD on my hands but it helps to ease the loss. best of luck in the future
I'm not old I'm mature middle aged


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #143 on: March 10, 2012, 10:40:48 am »

Hi Dave, I am so sorry for your loss, Our dogs are part of our family. I have had dogs all my life & it is also the hardest thing to put them down. After the second last dog I had had to be put down I swore I would never do it again. My last dog to die was the very best dog I had ever had, he knew over 100 words. Depending on the situtation around him he had a different voice for each , I let him die naturally @ home . We brought him home from the hospital after the doctor gave him a very strong pain killer, we had spent $7000.00 in an effort to save his life. At home he lay down in his favourite place & just went to sleep, to this day I am glad I did it that way, he knew he was home & you could see he was happy to be there. We adopted a Cocker spaniel about 2 months later, he was 4 years old at the time & had been abused, we have had him for 5 years now & he is a lovely little guy, his name is Charlie. In July last year we heard of a Cocker pup that had been born with his left rear paw & claws missing, he was going to be put down by the breeder. We went to see him & offered to adopt him & so we now have a very mischievous 1 year old  3 1/2 legged dog that has no idea about it. He runs faster than Charlie & loves to play & fetch & is always happy for a car ride, his name is Jasper. So grieve a little & then get yourself another dog, they are known as mans best friend for a very good reason. Mick B.   
Mick B.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #144 on: April 21, 2012, 10:07:19 pm »

Good evening all and thanks to the NHS I am now back home with a second new hip. The nurses at the Wansbeck Hospital Northumberland
deserve a mega pay-rise the way they looked after all the new hip/knee patients.
Only had the op a few days ago so full of painkillers but hopefully out for a walk on the beach tomorrow (weather permitting)


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #145 on: April 21, 2012, 10:11:14 pm »

Well done Geoff.  An encouraging report on your visit. Glad it went well.

I hope it's not a pebble beach.  ;)

Best of luck and a speedy recovery.


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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #146 on: April 21, 2012, 10:32:37 pm »

good to see you posting again geoff...........wondered where you were..........take care, and not too much booze with those pain's a real bummer running to the loo all the time..........not that there'll be much running up there for a while.
Look after your self. :-))

Colin Bishop

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #147 on: April 21, 2012, 11:03:12 pm »

Very glad to hear things went well Geoff, just in time for Summer!



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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #148 on: April 21, 2012, 11:04:14 pm »

Good to have you back with us Geoff.

Richard Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club

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Re: .........Medical Section ...........
« Reply #149 on: April 21, 2012, 11:05:42 pm »

Good one Geoff!   :-))

 I here there all sorts of fancy new "hip" products these days, what did they do for you?
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