Times have changed.
In the land of Oz, I Recall when I got my 'shots'
It was shirts off and we all lined up down the hall of the RAP in a Que to get all the current shots about six from memory.
At the first door your arm was swabbed and the first jab applied.
Now this where time and motion and economy was applied.
The syringe was unscrewed which left the needle still in your arm, you went to the next door where a new syringe was screwed on and another shot was injected.
This was repeated down the hall at each door until all shots had been injected.
You walked out at the end with the Sergeant showing us how to swing our arms to reduce the soreness and swelling the hero's who didn't, paid for it with sore arms later, not to mention those toughie's who fainted along the way.
Think of all the needles that were saved and only one hole in your arm.
That was military precision and efficiency, Imagine doing that today