Simnel is nice it's a fruit cake with almond paste On it ,usually eaten at Easter (if you don't like fruit cake and almond paste it won't be nice ) , I think that what it is .
MRI scan I went for one for suspect gall stones /liver fault , it was in a mobile one ,the operator was of not British extraction and could not speak very good English , told me to hold my breath for 30 seconds (try it ) and do not move ,I could not understand his instructions ,as previously said all very uncomfortable so I pressed the get me out of here button .I was recalled to have another this time in the main hospital all very good and done very efficient , I was talking to the MRI driver and she said it's not neccessary to hold your breath she went on to say that there are drivers and and people who no how to operate them correctly , it's a bit like driving a car she said but I can not drive a formular1 car , There are tremendous people in the NHS but it must be the luck of the game to get the right person .