There is so little room in mine now I couldn't fit anything else in the hull if I wanted too, and when I bought the pump I didn't realise it was as big, well for the space in the Spring it's huge. I'm going to put her back in a week this coming Sunday, and possibly the Sunday after I might go to Llanberis if they'll have me.


Hi Andy,
why do you need a pump? I have run a forced water pick up pipe from behind the prop., when going forwards there is enough water to cool the motor. Going astern there is zero, but enough water in the pipes to keep things cool enough for you. This must be my IC powered boat background.
My 540 motor is drawing only 1.6 amps on 6 volts at full load in the bath, but I am running 2:1 reduction and a 70mm two blade prop. It does not actually get that hot, but having seen many people on here saying they haev fried motors I put a coil of copper pipe round the motor anyway. The motor also has a fan in it.
So far so good, the Springer is a recovery boat for us to use at the lake when the power boats break down. This is all Martins fault as he said "why not build a springer?" in response to my wanted ad for a little cheap electric model.
Thanks to Norry for the GRP hull.