I am busy building both a Springer and a 12/4th scale pusher tug, I will try to get some pictures out over the weekend. Scotland in September sounds nice, but being on holiday at Niagara Falls sounds better

Yes we are getting some springers together for the show at Warwick in November 9, 10, 11, put on a display and a football match. If any one is interested in coming let me know, then I can let the organisers know how much Mayhem to expect.
One note on this the organisers say that any Springers coming to the Warwick show have to be there for all three days, so that is from the Friday to the Sunday. I am going to be there for the three days so if you wanted to get your Springers to me I could take them you would then be able to have a play when you come, I could then return them to you after the show.
The other Brian