Hello Chaps, and chapesses, I have a 27 meg Futaba Attack 4WD radio. I do not have a manual with this radio.
I am presently using eight dry cell batteries in the Tx.
I am looking to upgrade the Tx to be able to use rechargeable batteries. There is a charging socket/jack already installed on the side of the radio.
I want to replace the dry cells with rechargeables.
Can I fit eight single cell rechargeable batteries, ( there does not appear to be enough room for a battery pack ) in place of the dry cells....and use the charging socket/jack to charge these batteries.
I did not want to start 'going' into the back of the Tx, unless it was absolutely necesserary.
I know I can simply 'suck it and see' , I would rather know, before I screw the back off the Tx.
Best wishes...Mick