After recently rejoining the rc boating scene I am surprised at the progress in the electronics used in the hobby. Obviously i would like to go 2.4, but my old existing boat (see beginners sec) used 27meg. Before deciding i would like to get the old boat on the water again, so if any one has an old 27 meg tx lurking around for sale please let me know.
Back to the question of 2.4.
1 can i buy one tx and use numerous rx in other boats?
2 will a 2/3 channel be ok or should i go for more? would only want extra channel for water pump for water monitors on fireboat.
3 I have looked at cheap 4ch (£25) but will they enable me to use on multiple boats
4 would it be better to buy something like spektrum or futaba if its the only tx im going to have?
This along with speed controllers and motors are a mine field as i have to learn about them all to be able to make a decision on the best to use.
I am a little apprehensive about asking such basic questions and have looked through past posts, but nothing seems to cover what i want. I am a member of another non hobby related forum and i can hear the comments "here we go again" I have already clocked up 14 hours of log in time in a couple of days . Must say i have enjoyed reading past posts and some of the tutorials, will get through them all one day!.
I am enjoying my return to the hobby, thanks for a great forum.