No contest.................Spektrum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to agree either spektrum/JR or Futaba for me
It depends really how much you value your "toys" and those around you
At the end of the day the controller and the controlee is the only things that stop your latest toy becoming a compensation seeking missile.
Coming from an RC plane and heli background I had it beaten into me that the controller is the most important/receiver are the most important parts of any model.
There's no point having a 100Mph torpedo if you cant contol it.
Granted model boats are a little different to planes as a loss of control is "usually" an inconvenience. With planes and helis its a quite a different story.
You pays your money and takes your choice
As I've heard some of you say here "I'm to poor to buy cheap"
An interesting point I have noticed tho is that some of you are happy to berate others about the dangers of using cheap tools in the workshop yet are happy to settle for a cheap radio system.