The power distribution board is a fancy name for a couple of switches, one to switch the main power, the other to switch the on-board camera if you have that fitted. How Thundertiger managed to screw that one up I'll never know, but a switch isn't difficult to fault find on.
A chap who used to post on here had an early kit. The ballast pump kept cutting out, usually when he was on the bottom of the pool! Once retrieved and safely on the shore, it would cooperate in the fault finding process by working perfectly- typical!
He contacted the distributors, Amerang, and they sent him a new pump control board, but he got the same problems.
He lost patience with it, and flogged it to another board member, who re-sweated a couple of joints on the pump board, and the thing ran like a top.
Good thing about the TT electrics, is that apart from the ESC, all the components are fairly straightforward items, and non surface mount. That makes fault finding fairly simple if you have a basic grounding in electronics, as the component leads are big enough to get probes on and datasheets for the pinouts on the components can be downloaded free from t'internet.