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Author Topic: Hitec Optic 6 Programming  (Read 5459 times)


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Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« on: June 10, 2012, 03:22:03 pm »


Does anyone know if it is possible to program Expo into Chan 3 ?

I've done all the mixing, ATVs etc. without any difficulties but it seems that Expo on Ch.3 is just not possible.

Have tried  the Tx. in both mode 1 and mode 2 without success.

My previous radios have all had the capability to add Expo to all channels, but to be fair they were high end sets.

It does seem ridiculous to allow Expo on Chan's 1,2 and 4 but then to miss out Chan 3.

Maybe it can't be done, J.Perkins don't know for sure.


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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 04:23:41 pm »

Unusual not to have exponential on a main channel, mind you, that would normally be the throttle channel, mode 2.
I used to have an Optic 6, i though it had several good features, is yours 2.4 Gig?

This is from the manual...

EXP – Exponential
You may be new to exponential settings. "Exponential" refers
to a mathematical function where the curve grows steeper the
further away from center it gets. Expo is a way to get the
effect of dual rates without having to flip a switch. The figure
below will help explain this concept.
You will notice that exponential has a smooth curve. For this
reason it is possible to have low sensitivity at low stick angles
(like dual rates), and yet have full motion at full stick deflection.
The Optic allows you to have two different values of
exponential, chosen by the same dual rate toggle switches on
the transmitter, described earlier. You might want to set a dual
rate at one switch position with zero exponential, and an
exponential value with 100% dual rate at the other. Then you
can switch between them in flight and decide which you like
better. Later, you can combine both dual rate settings and
exponential on a single switch setting.
There are really two kinds of exponential, "positive" and
"negative." Negative exponential is the one shown above, and
the type of expo most commonly used, where servo movement
is softer around neutral. Positive exponential is where the
servos are very sensitive around neutral and soft at extremes.
It is sometimes used for helicopter tail rotors.
The Optic allows you to set exponential for ailerons, elevator,
and rudder.

Setting Exponentials
1. Enter the programming mode by pressing the two Edit Up
Down keys (the two keys on the far left) at the same time.
Press either Edit Up Down key until the EXP menu appears,
as shown.
2. To set exponential for channel 1, move the arrow by pressing
the Cursor Right or Left keys repeatedly until the arrow is
under or over the channel number you want. Now switch the
appropriate switch up or down, noticing the position of the
arrow. You can set two values of exponential, one for each
switch position. By pressing the Data +Increase or
-Decrease keys, you can add or subtract from the numerical
value displayed. Note that you may pick a value anywhere
from -100% to +100%. If you quickly want to get back to the
default 0%, press the Active/Inhibit (Clear) key. You should
understand that you won't see changes in your model's servo
response unless you move the sticks. To get a feel for how
exponential works, just hold partial stick and switch the Expo
on and off (one side of the switch should be set to zero expo).
You'll see how it affects the servo travel.
3. The values you set for exponential are highly dependent on
both the model and pilot's preference. I normally recommend
a start value of about -10% to -20%, and many test flights,
slowly increasing the number until things are "right".
Obviously this depends on the pilot and model so go ahead
and fly it with Expo only on one side of the switch, turn it on
and off during flight, and change things to suit yourself. Or
don't use it at all if you don't like it - it's not for everyone.
4. Repeat this procedure for the expo settings on the other
remaining channels.
5. Return to the regular operating mode by pressing the two
Edit Up Down keys simultaneously.

Mode 2 setup.

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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2012, 05:51:12 pm »

It is indeed on 2.4GHz.

In Mode 2 the Throttle Chan is normally the left up/down stick. No expo possible.

In Mode 1 the left stick is normally Elevator. No Expo possible.

They are both designated Chan 3.

As a matter of interest I have also just bought a Futaba 6J 2.4 and guess what... no Expo on Chan 3.

A lost cause I fear.



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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 06:56:49 pm »

Just heard from the factory.

Not possible to program Expo into chan 3.

Marvelous !!!

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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2012, 07:00:23 pm »

Why do you want Expo on Chnl 3?
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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2012, 08:04:09 pm »

If you use it in 'heli' mode, you can set the throttle curve to give you a flatter response around the mid stick position. This will give the same effect as expo & heli throttles are on channel 3  :-))
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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2012, 08:10:56 pm »

That would be with the throttle hold on....


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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2012, 08:23:09 pm »

No, its designed to give you flatter responce around the hovering throttle position & that wouldn't work if you could only use it when the throttle hold is on. I use it on my yachts to give me better control of the winch when close hauled, but it would be possible to flatten out the curve either side of the 50% stick. Admittedly this wouldn't be exactly the same as exp setting, as throttle curve is a flat line & exp is a logarithmic curve, but its the best you will get from the optic.
If you read the instructions all is revealled
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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 04:38:07 am »

Throttle hold kills the throttle or backs it off to an idle level depending on wether its Ic or electric

What Andy was on about would be idle up or stunt mode.  This is a different mode where expo and throttle and pitch curves can be set in a different way to "normal" mode

One problem with using heli mode is that you then loose channel 6 as this becomes the pitch channel and works off the trhrottle stick
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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2012, 07:01:22 am »

Why do you want Expo on Chnl 3?

I am using 2 motors so have the stb motor on chan 2 (Ele) and the Pt. motor on chan 3 (Throt) both sticks are sprung loaded to the centre and I can have them mixed together onto chan 2.

One of the characteristics of the Inrunner motors that I am using is that they are quite fierce on startup. This can be corrected quite easily with neg Expo.

I have done this on Chan 2 with great success. However, Chan 3 is not doable, also have gone down the Heli route but the Point curve is not really what I'm after.

Can't understand why Hitec and Futaba don't deem it necessary to allow Expo on the throttle on their 6 chan sets.

Without Expo on the throttle the Walbro type carbs on petrol motors would be very difficult to get a linear throttle response.

As I said earlier, the higher end sets, Futaba anyway, have the facility and surely it would be very simple for the softwear to be programmed to include it at little or no cost.

But hey-ho, will have to put up with no Expo.



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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2012, 07:48:57 am »

What speed controllers do you have? some have a programmable soft start
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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2012, 03:04:48 pm »

What speed controllers do you have? some have a programmable soft start

Hi Gary.

They are a pair of Turnigy 60A car ESC's. I have programmed them Soft Start already.

The only thing that I didn't change was the Timing , have no idea what that does so have set it to 0 degrees, although, it can be increased.

What effect does the timing have on the motor characteristics, should I fiddle about with it a bit ?



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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2012, 04:45:11 pm »

Hi Gary.

They are a pair of Turnigy 60A car ESC's. I have programmed them Soft Start already.

The only thing that I didn't change was the Timing , have no idea what that does so have set it to 0 degrees, although, it can be increased.

What effect does the timing have on the motor characteristics, should I fiddle about with it a bit ?


I have never messed with brushless timing. But heres a quick lowdown.... enough to make you dangerous lol :)
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Re: Hitec Optic 6 Programming
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2012, 05:19:41 pm »

Thanks Gary but I didn't understand a word on that link.

I think that they were speaking in Swahili or some other language that I don't understand, probably an age thing.

Best left alone I think.

Unless someone knows better of course ?

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