Hi All, as per normal, what happens on Mayhem's Forum, we have two topics running on one thread -

- one discussing the Model Boats New Forum and one discussing subscribing to model boats magazine. So, first topic first; the new Model Boat forum I personally find hard to navigate around - but I have no doubt, after we have used it a few times it might become easier to use as you become familiar with it - I must admit myself, I prefer the old style layout of the 'old' Model Boats Forum. Its the old saying better the devil you know than the devil you dont (and by hell there are a lot of little devils on here

Subscribing to Model Boats: Ive subscribed to Model Boats for a few years now and I also used to sub. to Marine modelling. I dropped the Marine Modelling one in favour of the Modelling Boats though cause they tended to duplicate articles. Having said that though, I still rush out every month to go and buy it in case I miss anything.
I am a natural horder of modelling boat magazines (amongst other things). I can go back to when Vic Smeed and John C first took over and the style of magazine then - and in the early days the magazines tended to be (to me anyway) more interesting with a wider variety of topics etc., in there.
aye John E