Good morning all of my Friends, and Modelers..when i was commissioned to make a submarine, for one of the prestigious institution of my Nation, the main demand was from the officials that it must be transparent.. so, i made it all from acrylic sheets.. after that i made lots of submarines, in various scales, from dynamic to static.. but none of them was for me.. so, now i decided to add some great machines to my own craft collection, i decided to make some good submarines for me.. when we thinks about a submarine many criteria comes in to play.. and its all true.. but, here i am making this submarine with simplest ideas, and havent used any complicated stuffs including the WTC or hydraulics...
this craft is not a copy of any craft.. its based on my own design.. still i retained the shape of some older craft.. she is 24 inches long, yes to operate with my other crafts... she is powered by a simple 7.4 Volt ECM, and can operate her about 3 hours as submerged.. after completion of my prvious projects of submarine, i noticed a fascinating thing that it was too difficult to notice the sub, when submerged.. at swimming pool it was ok, as we can see through the clear water, but at lake it was too hard to find one.. so, i decided to make one without any submerging ideas.. but, still this one dives once, and its natural buoyancy keeps her's attitude..
here i starts from foam board.. making a submarine from the foam board is very practical, as the foam board has its own natural buoyancy,
so that we can adjust the attitude simply..