Sign me up for this one!
I'm trying to get into this CAD lark and have been trying to design a Yorkshire Coble as a 3D model and then onto the bits being water jetted and then assembled. I did try previously with a more complicated design, which got to the water jetting stage, however these frames are now in the heavens as I got sick and burnt the lot...
I then started a new design and seem to have it perfected. I then (probably the slow way) I created frames and imagined how they would lock together in my head. I then designed the 2D frames and then read up on how to simply assemble 3D parts in Turbocad. Below are a few screenshots of the assembled jig, proving that all my measurements worked:

This is something ive never been able to do and I have been trying for ages to do this and it finally worked!
The next stage is to attempt to 'wrap' the 2D planks I have round this frame. However I don't think turbocad can do this, not even autocad, and is more a rhino thing.
The programs I use are Freeship and Turbocad v18.1 platinum and have access to Sketchup Pro aswell.
I am a modeler who would rather draw something on CAD and have it CNC'd or 3D printed and then integrate that part into the model I am building.
I look forward to seeing where this thread goes.