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Author Topic: Professional Model builders  (Read 6772 times)

John W E

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Professional Model builders
« on: May 08, 2007, 07:01:37 pm »

Hi All

Just recently we have had some photographs of some finished models on the Forum by kit-builders/scratch builders. I for one though would love to see how the likes of Paul from PShips builds his models and I would like to see some photographs of his builds with some background information.

I would also like to see models by John Haynes and have a look at some of his builds/techniques.

Also, someone called (I think) Dave Milbourn - they tell me he is a good builder - we would like to have a look at some of his work - well I dont know if all the Forum Members would like to see this, but I would.   Some of their models might give us a better standard to work too.

john e
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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2007, 07:09:23 pm »

I'm with you all the way on that John.

I could learn a lot by looking at how they build. I have picked up a lot of tips in the last 3 months off others including yourself. 

Clive  :)


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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2007, 07:28:02 pm »

sounds like a good idea john,, lets hope they start posting some pics on the forum. ;)

Bryan Young

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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2007, 07:55:45 pm »

Hi All

Just recently we have had some photographs of some finished models on the Forum by kit-builders/scratch builders. I for one though would love to see how the likes of Paul from PShips builds his models and I would like to see some photographs of his builds with some background information.

I would also like to see models by John Haynes and have a look at some of his builds/techniques.

Also, someone called (I think) Dave Milbourn - they tell me he is a good builder - we would like to have a look at some of his work - well I dont know if all the Forum Members would like to see this, but I would.   Some of their models might give us a better standard to work too.

john e
I agree with you John...but only if they are working models. I try to make mine look as close as I can to "statics" but they need beefing up a bit to withstand the "rigours" of actually sailing. I guess there is an awful lot of satisfaction to be gained from building a superb model to the n'th degree if you are going to put into a glass case until Armaggedon, great for museums.(if we have any), but no use at all for functional builders. I TRY to make my models to a "glass case" standard but operational restraints come into play. Hence the many breakages.
But that should not stop anyone trying to get the best result they can manage. Look at the Model Aircraft world. They spend yonks building (say) a "Spitfire" with working instruments and (even possibly a dwarf pilot) and all that....then they crash it. "Oh,well" seems to be the attitude. Try again. I often think that us boaters can learn a lot from the aircraft fraternity. BY
Notes from a simple seaman

John W E

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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2007, 08:09:35 pm »

Bryan, I would like to include static builders as well as functional builders.  This is due to the fact that I dont wish to narrow the field down, because one can gain a lot of information and knowledge from a person who builds static models. e.g. John Haynes and also Positive on this Forum. They have given me personally a lot of information on building techniques.  I feel as though they should be shared amongs Forum members.

Therefore, in my eyes, any professional builder who is willing to share information - it doesnt matter if they build static or working models, as long as they give us an insight as to how they do things.

It may make our lives in model making a lot easier.   Have a look at an article that Colin Bishop has written on another Forum, that may give you some insight.

john e
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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2007, 09:25:18 pm »

You can see mainly finnished models on our other site
 I am always happy to help if and where I can, but, its a full time and "then some"' job running two companies worth of work and I only visit here once I have finnished for the day for a short while normally and then I do the peperwork.
 I can send "in build" pictures to anyone who has got the time to fart about posting them on Mayhem if anyone is interested, this is a hobby and I do what I can to help it for anyone, but, as most of you know, I tend to fire at some people who are just silly or stupid or are offensive to me. " Don't fire unless fired upon" They are the rules of engagement as far as I know them to be anyway.

John W E

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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2007, 09:40:59 pm »

Hi there Paul, thanks for your response, much appreciated and I do realise how lazy your life is  ;D ;D .

What I am trying to say, isnt a question and answer scenario, but, say, a small description and a few photographs of how you go about designing the mould and building the prototype for say a 4.5 inch mark IV gun.

how you would go about checking the authenticity to make sure the drawings and soforth you have are correct for that particular gun.

I wasnt thinking along the lines of a complete build from start to finish of a hull of a ship/vessel of any description.   Its more of the smaller detail/items that are required to complete a model.  ;D   I know you may feel like saying, I am not giving my trade secrets away, because if you do that people will start making all their own and I will go out of may just give those people insight into why the smaller items/parts cost so much.

john e
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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2007, 09:48:32 pm »

I see, John, well, I don't think any fittings maker will tell you that if they have got any sence to be quite honest due to what you say in your post, we have all got too many coppiers out there already without letting people know the how to's aswell.
 It takes many years to get good and only a couple of days for someone to screw you up once they have the know how, like this guy with the hulls in Sunderland on Ebay is selling rip off hulls from all over, but, when Joe Bloggs who bought it takes it down the lake and shows his oppo's, they tell him that is who ever's hull and then that company gets the stick BIG TIME!
 I am however more than happy to share construction techniques, no problem.

Tom Eccles

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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2007, 09:57:53 pm »

I am all for those among us who are beginners gettin all the help and advice possible.
I find it really useful to hear of someone else's techniques and mistakes so that when I mess up I don't get the horrible feeling that I am alone down here in the stokehold


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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2007, 10:37:31 pm »

Look at the Model Aircraft world. They spend yonks building (say) a "Spitfire" with working instruments and (even possibly a dwarf pilot) and all that....then they crash it. "Oh,well" seems to be the attitude. Try again. I often think that us boaters can learn a lot from the aircraft fraternity

You may well be correct in that BY but I think amongst the boaters there is a similar talent and I am all for sharing that talent across the board .
There are a lot of things to be learned both ways and something I might find as a way of doing something easily on a plane I could probably replicate on a boat given the basic frame then sheet or plank in both cases . The detailing is something else as there are obviously diffrent weathered finishes between the two , but rivets and the like can be replicated from one to the other.
I do agree that there is a lot of money spent on model planes and the building of them . Check this out below from a professional builder who is doing the whole build (from scratch ) with an enlarged plan and posting it all from cutting the wood to finishing techniques.
I apologise in advance if I am p[osting copyrighted pics but as they are in apublic forum I dont think so . The chap in the pic is Ali Machinsky (sp) of Als hobbies who is the recipient of this one when its finished (sometime soon)

Just to show the detail that is going into it and the worn effect he has achieved with the painting .
And to give an idea of size this is what that cockpit fits into ! NO its NOT photoshopped !

If anyone wants to see this build and ask questions on techniques the builder Phil is very amicable and will answer your questions with pleasure .
The whole build thread is here,24106.0.html
Please bear in mind that you will have to register to read it but its painless and no personal details are asked for and any email Addy's you give are safe and will not be passed on .

Oh and the it cost 1000's but crashed comment . They all do at some time its part of the hobby unfortunately  :-\
I have a friend who built a 1/4 scale hurricane that took ages to build . It went into the ground on its maiden flight  :-X Still thats another one just about ready to fly again (hopefully next week) .

Its model making at the end of the day and forget its boats or planes  the construction and finishing are basically the same in my humble opinion . I personally will take information from anywhere to achieve the results I want  ;D

That said John  yes I like the idea and if we can get established pro builders on here to give a bit of instruction or maybe an article on a certain subject ,maybe planking ,weathering  whatever else comes to mind  then YES get them written up and posted . I don't think we should limit this to pro builders though , you yourself and BY have both posted pics of great models and should class yourselves amongst those you are looking for  ;)

OK then John  Mahogany planking , I have a lot to do and cant get CA to hold it due to the shape of the hull , even though its supposedly reccomended for the job . PVA was a thought but it takes too long to set and I cant do 1 plank a night  ;D Evo stik contact adhesive has been thought of but am not sure of its strength . Any ideas as I see you have mahogany planked in the past .

Just a few thoughts and questions I hope you are all still awake  ;D ;D ;D I know I tend to prattle on  :D :D



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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2007, 02:53:24 pm »

I'm with you on this John.
There are a lot of us on the forum who are either new to the hobby or who are rejoining it after several years of absence who could do with a few tips on construction and modern materials etc.
A few more builds as a point of reference with photos would be really handy.

Richard ;)
Richard Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club


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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2007, 04:02:22 pm »

Just a thought
would it be beneficial to make a couple of threads in the hints and tips
1 being what material works best for what
 the other what doesn't work at all



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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2007, 04:47:39 pm »

My black hole is electrics, I love building and I really want to sail, but I am building up a backlog of models with motors, servos, and a box of speed controllers even a mixer, none of which are connected. Last Sunday morning (early) I needed a simple electric solution,
a quick post on Mayhem, within the hour FLJ had posted me a very straight forward answer - I followed his advice - job done, and it works, the joys of Mayhem.



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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2007, 07:05:12 pm »

Just recently we have had some photographs of some finished models on the Forum by kit-builders/scratch builders. I for one though would love to see...

But why? No, that's a stupid question. I mean, I know why - but what I'm trying to say is what's wrong with YOUR building skills? Have you grocked your own models lately? Every model I've seen of yours already looks perfect. Surely it's not possible to build 'em better than that??
You sound like you're the pupil asking the teacher, when it seems it should be the other way around. Maybe YOU should be the one doing the teaching.

Okay, I've said what you asked to me say. Will you give me back my pocket money now?

John W E

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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2007, 07:40:19 pm »

Hi my mate PMK, I will not give you any pocket money, because the backo never arrived in the post - unless the postman smoked it:  ;D ;D ;D

Golden Rule my friend; you never stop learning - nobody knows it all.  The reason I picked on the professional builders, their standards and their workmanship has to be very good because if its not, nobody buys their stuff and it wont put food on their table.

john e
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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2007, 11:04:14 pm »

Aye, point taken.
I still think you build heap good ship though. Kids will never starve as long as they have a Pop with YOUR skills.

Didn't know you smoked. We got ganja, squidgy, Morrocan black and some other stuff that me mate Leroy grew. Take yer pick....

(Only kidding!)

Colin Bishop

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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2007, 11:58:49 pm »

Didn't know you smoked.

It's just the speed at which he builds.....


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Re: Professional Model builders
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2007, 12:30:09 am »

Hehe! Very witty!
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