Large gears and high torque is the simple way to approach the steering issue.
A drive belt will require a very firm mounting base through the hull.
Tensioning the belt will often cause issues by pulling the drive out of alignment with
the drive or steering gear. But it is nothing that can not be dealt with.
The ARDUINO, and RASPBERRY PI, are both small stand alone computer boards.
They each have a simplified (if one works hard at it) programming language that
allows programs to be written so that it can act as a light switch, or drive a CNC router.
We just want a steering and ESC mixer.
Kagelmacher - Modellbau was offering a pre programmed set prior to it's temporary closure, but
the set has not returned now that the website and the owner are up and running again.
The price for the pre programmed set was around 350 euro.
An Arduino and RaspberryPi run about $35-50 USD But all the programming has to be created. first portion of the joystick's throw tells the stepper motor where to steer.
Any increase in throw of the joystick, tells the ESC to apply throttle.