Hi all, working in a model shop myself, we come across this quite often.
The main problem is that the manufacturers write one generic manual for all their sets (futaba are a classic for this), for instance this thread was started with the ailerons being on stick one on the right, yes, but not if your a mode 4 flyer and yes they do exist, there is a model flying club in Eire that fly mode 4!
The amount of us boat moddeler's (I do fly planes/helis too) that would have loved to have the futaba manual written in "boat speak", but the likes of futaba/spectrum/JR/Sanwa will sell 80% of their multi channel (4 & above) sets to aeromoddelers.
Most of the top end futaba sets channel 1 can be anywhere on the set as the user can assign any channel to any stick or switch.
Paul Cook
Hobbystores Watton, Norfolk