Build up all done, lots of good models this year.They have changed the tables sizes, which has thrown a few clubs, as their space is smaller, last seen: Graham and the King Lear club building up !

looks like a small Chitin Itza..

Steve has made his nest by the pool, and this year there are a few bouys for you to hit (or miss)

, I am by between Ron Dean and the Vintage Model Boat of my £20 not looking good..
Managed tea (of course) they were offering free chocolate bars....yeah like that works, I would have to suck it death.....thinking of asking Martin from Macs Mouldings to resin cast me a set, at least I might be able to sample the Steak & Kindney pie.....
And I forgot my hat !!!!

so was not reconised for several hours (beard did not help...will be clean shaven tomorrow)