Don't ask Brian, I suffered three different emotions at the same time (I think there is a proper word for it)
And utter bemusement!
Good thing Stavros, Phil, Klunk, Bill and myself managed to get it out with other members helping!
Glad your wife is getting better, hope her recovery improves quicker soon.
Brilliant weekend, enjoyed by everyone I spoke to, I fully agree with Martin regarding next years improvements. I've already got speaking to Tony Newstead, Capt Povey, Geoff Dixon, Ian K, Victorian and TonyH about what we could do next time and what vessels we've got to display a grand Victorian fleet.
Really enjoyed the pyrotechnical display put on by Ian McCaffrey and Carl, I've seen some excellent pictures taken by Paul Millers of the final explosion!
If no ones objects I'm starting to write up an article for Model Boats magazine since Steve Dean is doing one for Marine Modelling International magazine and I didn't see anyone from Model Boats in attendance.
Martin, if you could send a selection of photos you have of the weekend, I'll ensure all correct creditations are properly given to the photographers. Many thanks in advance.
I'm also writing a thank you letter to Wicksteed Park management if anyone old like to include anything in it please do, the parks senior management did come own to have a look around and the new MD was very impressed with our event. I don't think he realised how many of us there would be, especially camping.
WPMBC would like to extend their thanks and gratitude to the Mayhem organisers for everything we have done for all the prior planning and running of the weekend. Stunning work everyone!
Here's to next time!