Daryl, to be honest- I`ve found the lads from the NMM very helpfull, but from the 4 photographs I have order just three belong to the 70`CMB, one was very matching to a 55`or 40`type. The prices anyway are...... tremendous, compared with photographs which can be ordered from a museum in Germany. But the photographs, together with the drawing (which was a better sketch) had been very helpfull to catch her appearance in an early stage anyway.
If anybody is interested, I will come up step by step with my flottila as there is HMS Lord Nelson, HMS Velox, HMS P-Boat, HMS Mohawk (but to be honest not very interesting).
About your P-Boat, you can calculate (if all items like motors, shafts, props are there) about 6 weeks until it is finished.
One tip for the funnel and the superstructure: Leave all plasticard away! It is definately too heavy! I have used 0,3mm aluminium-plate f?r the superstructure and the funnel was made out of paper, soaked with superglue. Very lightweighted and solid!