Is this time for a new terms for various modellers
Shipwrights usually means to me (and i stand corrected in advance) these are highly skilled craftsmen who build from stock materials all the parts for their vessels from brass stock, wood, cloth etc, vessels like HMS Victory, Museum quality 'Hand Crafted' vesels of all eras.
Would a new term be Modelwrights - those that build models where the hull is premade and all the items inside and out are added, whether they be bought premade (fittings) or scratch built from recycled materials or stock.
and finally Techwrights, those that design, verify and print the vessels with some bought items.
I build vessels that are plastic fantastics - not having the time, the patience, the skill sets to create beutifully crafted from stock boats - I know my limitations and I enjoy the thought I converted that from a static to a working vessel. The 3D question is it is only another tool is right - akin to Airfix etc (no offence ment), the quality is currently up there with Airfix etc and will get better - Most people when viewing a model looks at the detailing in awe - they are even more impressed with the modellers who have built from scratch, than the Airfix kits, but if they have been altered to be correct and painted correctly, they are more impressed.
I would love to 3D print - the number of parts out there for vessels is limited, 3D created parts will fill in the availability of these parts.
IE - take one class of ship - be a frigate, tug etc. how many different parts on the class are there as each ship is built the design changes over the years - refits change bits, if the part is drawn in 3D, it can be altered to suit the revised version with little effort, different positions of the parts, ie an open hatch rather than a close one, not to forget scale - how many people have asked where they can get a particular scale of an item - 1 item in 3D recreated in the chosen scale with the same detail (almost).
The above is my opinion and is not intended to offend.