hi.ok what i would do is rebind it at again,fully charge up the batteries and take all servo leads out,plug bind plug back in then battery and then do the bind on the tx,but when you do this make sure tx is as close to the rx as possible.make sure when you are binding that rx led is flashing befor bind and is full on when binded.now what i would then do is if unplug bind plug and battery,then plug battery straight into rx without using your on/off switch,,now check to see if the rx staying on?hopefully it will do,now plug all the servos in and try the tx ,if all is working,take the battery lead out again and re plug it in so that you have turned off the rx and back on again,is it still working?,if so,then using your on/off switch plug that in and your battery into the switch now try again,is it working? if it is, turn it off on the switch and back on again and see if it is still working?if not then switch it on and off a couple of times with the switch quickly,does it come on ?iv had this problem and it was the switch playing up lol,but the only way round it is to rebind with the battery pluged straight into the rx,hope this helps,abit long winded i know but give it a try,,,,regards kurt and sha