Dear, oh dear...I do not believe what I am reading. What the heck is wrong with you lot? Someone asks for advice, someone offers advice, and the whole post then just disintegrates into a barrage of insults, bordering on abuse.
Why can't you guys just leave things alone? If you don't have anything constructive to offer to the post, then keep your fingers away from your keyboard.
The advice being offered here is practically gold plated, and offered by three people who probably know more about model submarines than the rest of the so called 'keyboard warriors' who insist on stirring things up.
This is exactly why I have become disillusioned recently with the hobby, after forty years or so of building model subs. Trust me, you will learn more in ten minutes talking to any of those three guys than you will ever learn by trying (and probably failing) to do things on your own. I spent years listening and learning from the two gurus of model submarines...Bernie Wood and Ron Perrott, and I can still learn from their vast store of knowledge.
Posts like this are the easy way to put newcomers to the hobby off I said earlier, if you don't know anything then don't say anything. Read, inwardly digest the information, and learn from it.