Very good. made I smile.
I took the liberty of enlarging it to see what he was up to. Looks like a funny place to put a phone box. 
Brings back memories, it was a good skyving job for apprentices painting in the draft marks fore and aft as she came out of the water during discharge. We used to use the jolly boat draped in burlap. One time in Hong Kong a sampan bum boat was giving us beers for the contents of our paint pots. Being enterprising lads we turned to early at lunchtime and lowered a full 5 gallon drum into the boat ready to make a killing in the paint black market

. Sods law says she was nowhere in sight so we lowered the drum under the boat with a heaving line so the Harry Tate wouldn't spot it. All fine until a floating crane turned up to pick a lump of engine out and put down a couple of kedge anchors. We were rowing from one end of the ship to the other with the mate watching us on deck when we realised we were not moving !! Yup the dangling drum was snagged on the kedge anchor wire

(sort of reverse swan action - lot of activity on the surface b-gger all happening underneath !!) We managed to quietly back peddle and move a bit further out without him twigging, but the sampan never returned so somewhere under the long since reclaimed land in Hong Kong is a rusty drum full of Idwal Williams's best topside green

ps another time we had the same job up the creeks in west Africa with the 'West African Ensign' hanging over the back. Don't know where health and safety stands on turds dropping on you from a great height. Only did it once mind you :-[ >:( >:(