Martin, I spoke to the Bodlean and they said they were only going to use the gathered info and that the British library, the National library of Scotland and the National library of Wales were going to actually store the data. So I spoke to the British library and customer services said they had only heard about it this morning and so asked me to email the question. This is what I asked.
Sirs, I saw this on the news today and as I am a contributor to modelboatmayhem which contains a wealth of (to us model makers) knowledge and ship information I wondered how information was to be gathered. It seems quite possible that all our stored wisdom could be lost by one catastrophic crash of the website or web. We have had several near misses in the recent past. Do you intend to collect everything or only data that is offered to you? I ask on behalf of the owner of the website and several of its contributors.
Jerry Cartwright
Lets see what happens. All the best,