Yes Bryan the winters a bit lousy at the moment. Cold easterly winds with frost here and snow to the high ground. Just been up North Is for a week its just as cold there.
Now the "bow doors". The idea is to glass the hull all over then cut out the door sections to use again. Make the whole door assembly and fit it in with an alloy frame just like a set of "whally teeth". But, to glass the hull means fit the anchor recesses. To fit the recesses means to have some anchor sizes, which means to make an anchor, which means to layout the focastle being as how I am a wee bit different than the drawings, having started before I had the luck to make contact with you good self, .........and so it goes. However make progress we do, and eventually we arrive. The fun is in the building as far as I am concerned but SWMBO's visits to town and coffee shops all take time.
I am a bit further on than the picture shows will sort a more up to date one soon and keep you posted.
Enjoy the rest of summer regardless, every day on top is a good one.
cheers, Bob