Well that wasn't quite the response I'd expected.
Have I any need for it ?. ......... Well, the ability to use any switch /slider/rotary for any use is desirable.
The sheer versatility is amazing.
Will i use all the functions ? . . . . . No of course not, but I've got almost infinite availability.
Will it impress my club mates . . . . . No idea or worry. But I certainly hope not.
£455 just for a radio set ? . . . . How many people have added up the cost of the latest kit, with motors,
Props, batteries etc etc etc.?
I've just sold my self built trike motorcycle( mainly due to advancing years) and I want something nice.
Looking at german websites, the DX10T, inline with almost all Spektrum airfare sets, there has been numerous updates on this gear to make it really really versatile. The reason for its redundancy is, I believe, the DX18 T release. But I'm assured factory backup will still be available due to the similarity with the 18.
I'm a bit concerned over the thought that my F14 navy will be worth only £91 !
I'm still worried regarding the bondage gear needed to 'strap it on'