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Author Topic: Spektrum DX 10 T  (Read 17923 times)


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Spektrum DX 10 T
« on: August 23, 2014, 11:34:48 am »

Having found a German shop selling these for under £500 (just) I've hit the plastic for one.
Been very happy with various F14 for many years, this looks like the modern version for me.
Anyone got one ? Any user comments ?
Look out for my F14 navy in the for sale section soon I guess.

in my own little world


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2014, 12:56:38 pm »

They can be had with a discount these days (though I personally still find it overpriced) because Spektrum apparently discontinued it. Clearance sale, sort of.


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2014, 01:44:31 pm »

Steve Dean has one in his AFOR alien thingy. That's the only one I know of in a floating thing.
I've tried to obtain details of this set - and particularly its switch/prop modules - from Horizon Hobbies (both UK and Inc) for an article to appear in Model Boats but they have not replied to either me or the Editor. Needless to say I can't write up anything for which there is limited detailed info.
It looks as if the standard DX10T comes with fixed switch modules to suit model aircraft and that you have to buy the marine ones as extras. On top of a basic price which hovers around £500 this looks a wee bit too pricey for most. No doubt those rich herberts who fly 1/3 scale Spitfires and twin-turbine F15s will scoff at such a trifling amount, but at this end of the pond there are folk who buy motors off E-Bay for a quid and then moan about the quality.............and the price! I almost lost faith in humanity when I found myself being expected to haggle over the price of a thirty-bob motor mount.
Good luck, Rob. I have to admit to being a little envious but >£5C for a tranny and receiver is a bit rich for my blood.
Dave M


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2014, 04:42:15 pm »

As long as the wife thinks it is my old F14, or flying 10j tranny I shall be alright Dave.
Must admit the price nearly put me right off, but I loved the look of it and the versatility.
I'm a bit cagey of the bondage type device they sell to hold it on, but I will have to put up with the ribbing.
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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2014, 05:28:13 pm »

Quote from: Inertia
On top of a basic price which hovers around £500 this looks a wee bit too pricey for most.

I think it's too pricey for what it has to offer. Especially compared to what OpenTX-based transmitters have to offer.

Here you're stuck with Spektrum's design/ideas.


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2014, 07:43:50 pm »

I look in to this set. But like most was put off by the price. You could get 5 second hand F14 set for that. The only person I have seen with one is Steve Dean as mentioned above. From my under standing  you can only have 10 channels unless you buy the expansion kit. On the hand set there are more that 10 switches what you do is set a switch to a channel . It is a beautiful bit of kit with a very big price tag.
A F14 Full loaded would have more channels than the DX10 . I am customizing my F14 for my ferry . They may me old but are still great bits of kit.
I would be interested in finding out more info on the DX10.



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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2014, 10:19:15 am »

If you are looking for lots of channels and memories then there is the FrSky Taranis with 16 channels and up to 60 memories. It is about 1/3 of the price of the Spektrum.
See for the full specification



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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2014, 11:00:11 am »

Chalk and cheese, m'duck.
The FRsky transmitter might have umpteen channels but they are limited by the standard switches which festoon the case - which in turn are dictated by the specific requirements of aeroplane/helicopter pilots. In other words once you've used up the available switches that's it - and many of those are just simple on/off channels rather than proportional ones.
The F14/16 and Spektrum radios are modular, in that you can add a panel of switches and an encoder to the transmitter. This takes up just one channel (via a system called multiplexing) and gives you another eight switches available for such items as lights, winches, doors, lifts etc. You can add a second encoder/decoder to further enhance the number of functions available. Robbe reckon their F16 can be expanded to six proportional and thirty two switched  functions. You won't get anything like that from the Taranis, which is essentially a model aircraft/helicopter set.
I agree with cos918 - the Robbe-Futaba F14/16 is still the ultimate boat radio, even though it's not 2G4. I'd also be wary of buying a radio which has been discontinued (I'd wonder why). Never mind; there's always the DX18t at nearly £8C, and that's just for the standard tranny!
I think I'll stick with my trusty Hitec Optic 6.
Dave M


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2014, 11:21:57 am »

On the Taranis you just remap inputs to whatever you want to do.

Want to operate a crane on your deck: use the left stick and move propulsion to the right stick. When you're done , go back to standard mapping. And so on.



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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2014, 12:14:39 pm »

On the Taranis you just remap inputs to whatever you want to do.

Want to operate a crane on your deck: use the left stick and move propulsion to the right stick. When you're done , go back to standard mapping. And so on.
I'm afraid I have no idea what "remapping" might involve. Could you perhaps explain?


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2014, 12:21:35 pm »

Can you tell me the utility to have 60 memoirs .............

To have a radio complicated it's good, that impresses the friends, have you need for it really?

Will know how to be of use to you it without the user manual in the hand?


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2014, 12:59:23 pm »

I'm afraid I have no idea what "remapping" might involve. Could you perhaps explain?

Let's say in the default mode - how most of us probably setup our radios:
- up/down on left stick is throttle
- left/right on right stick is rudder

By flicking a switch you change to "crane mode":
- up/down on left stick is still throttle
- left/right on left stick is now rudder
- crane can be operated with right stick

In most entry/mid-level TXs like a DX7s most channels are either "hard wired" (ie: the two sticks are channels 1-4) or can only be reassigned through an obscure setup menu. On a Taranis/OpenTX Radio (and I suspect the DX10T also has this) you have complete flexibility with multiple modes you can setup and choose while sailing/flying.


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2014, 02:00:44 pm »

Dave M


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2014, 07:22:51 pm »

Let's say in the default mode - how most of us probably setup our radios:
- up/down on left stick is throttle
- left/right on right stick is rudder

By flicking a switch you change to "crane mode":
- up/down on left stick is still throttle
- left/right on left stick is now rudder
- crane can be operated with right stick

In most entry/mid-level TXs like a DX7s most channels are either "hard wired" (ie: the two sticks are channels 1-4) or can only be reassigned through an obscure setup menu. On a Taranis/OpenTX Radio (and I suspect the DX10T also has this) you have complete flexibility with multiple modes you can setup and choose while sailing/flying.

Thank you for the explanation . Gives some food for thought. couple of questions.
Q1 when you switch modes does it take a lot of time.
Q2 if you took an esc off line say a bow thruster  would it glitch .



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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2014, 08:46:59 pm »

No glitch or delay. Everything is handled by the OpenTX firmware. On modern programmable TXs what input stick or switch is what channel is arbitrary and only a matter of software.

I assume that technically a DX7S could do it. It's just that Spektrum's software doesn't offer the feature. It's a marketing decision more than a technical one (ie: leave it to the high end TXs).


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2014, 09:19:48 pm »

I like the idea .



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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2014, 12:21:02 pm »

Well that wasn't quite the response I'd expected.
Have I any need for it ?. ......... Well, the ability to use any switch /slider/rotary for any use is desirable.
                                               The sheer versatility is amazing.
Will i use all the functions ? . . . . . No of course not, but I've got almost infinite availability.
Will it impress my club mates . . . . . No idea or worry. But I certainly hope not.
£455 just for a radio set ? . . . . How many people have added up the cost of the latest kit, with motors,
                                                      Props, batteries etc etc etc.?
I've just sold my self built trike motorcycle( mainly due to advancing years) and I want something nice.
Looking at german websites, the DX10T, inline with almost all Spektrum airfare sets, there has been numerous updates on this gear to make it really really versatile. The reason for its redundancy is, I believe, the DX18 T release. But I'm assured factory backup will still be available due to the similarity with the 18.
I'm a bit concerned over the thought that my F14 navy will be worth only £91 !
I'm still worried regarding the bondage gear needed to 'strap it on'
in my own little world


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2014, 01:29:23 pm »

To have a radio complicated it's good, that impresses the friends, have you need for it really?

I don't know what kind of boat rob is going to build/operate.

But a tug / AHTS with twin propellers and twin rudders is going to require 4 channels for main propulsion: 2 ESC, 2 servos for rudders.
Add a bow thruster (and possibly a stern truster of bigger tugs) and that's already 5 or even 6 channels for propulsion alone.

Same goes with VSP (5 ch) or ASD (4 or 6 ch) tugs.

Next come lights, fire monitors, winches, anchor windlass ...


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2014, 03:03:06 pm »

£455 just for a radio set ? . . . . How many people have added up the cost of the latest kit, with motors, props, batteries etc etc etc.?

Rob - that's not really the point as you have to buy those items whatever type of radio you have. An expensive one just adds more to the cost.

I too toyed with buying a DX10T after slobbering all over Steve Dean's but I came to the sad conclusion that I really didn't need all of its cleverness for any current or planned project. For the same reason I sold the F16 which I'd bought for a Graupner Parat (mistake - not my sort of kit). I also got a bit miffed at Horizon Hobbies (both UK and Inc) for not bothering to reply to my E-Mails for further details and prices of the available modules for the DX10T. I thought "if they don't want my £5C+ then nuts to 'em!" I've since found that the suggested marine L2 and R2 switch modules cost an extra $190..............ouch.  BTW I think all you need to attach yourself to that Tx is a neckstrap with a clip at each end; the corresponding arms fold up out of the Tx body - it's all very clever stuff. At least you don't have to fork out another large slice of wedge for a moulded plastic tray.

Broadening the subject a little, you say you wanted something nice (having sold your trike) and admitted to advancing years. I can sympathize totally. When I was sixteen all I ever wanted was a Gibson Hummingbird acoustic guitar but they cost such a mind-numbing amount that it was just an impossible dream. Now that I've sold my business I could afford to buy several Hummingbirds - but I just don't need one any more. My only excuse would be that it would be nice finally to own one - and that's really no excuse at all. Sad getting old and sensible sometimes, innit?

I think you're best advised to hang onto the F14, mate - it's got to be worth more than ninety quid so why give it away?
..............and enjoy your Spektrum radio, whatever anyone says. You deserve it  8)


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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2014, 03:38:15 pm »

Youre right there Dave,
Dont need the Hummingbird {-)
Abum note on a hummingbird sounds
even worse than one on a bit of Japanese Plywood %%

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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2014, 03:51:37 pm »

One By One The Penguins Steal My Sanity
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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2014, 03:57:32 pm »

Its ok Dave goes to Waitrose not Tescos %%

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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2014, 04:37:08 pm »

Well that wasn't quite the response I'd expected.
Have I any need for it ?. ......... Well, the ability to use any switch /slider/rotary for any use is desirable.
                                               The sheer versatility is amazing.
Will i use all the functions ? . . . . . No of course not, but I've got almost infinite availability.
Will it impress my club mates . . . . . No idea or worry. But I certainly hope not.
£455 just for a radio set ? . . . . How many people have added up the cost of the latest kit, with motors,
                                                      Props, batteries etc etc etc.?
I've just sold my self built trike motorcycle( mainly due to advancing years) and I want something nice.
Looking at german websites, the DX10T, inline with almost all Spektrum airfare sets, there has been numerous updates on this gear to make it really really versatile. The reason for its redundancy is, I believe, the DX18 T release. But I'm assured factory backup will still be available due to the similarity with the 18.
I'm a bit concerned over the thought that my F14 navy will be worth only £91 !
I'm still worried regarding the bondage gear needed to 'strap it on'

I now have X4 F14 sets of which 2 are Navy . A second hand TX + RX Navy would be lucky to make £100. a normal F14 TX + RX would be a lot less . seen them go for less than £50. Great to buy but you will get peanuts if you sell them .
Yes they are no longer made but there are than many second hand ones for sale spares are no problem. you can still get 8ch 40mhz RX
The DX10 is good but not that much better than a loaded F14. The one are were the F14 lacks is mixing



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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2014, 05:01:18 pm »

And what price a fully loaded F14 ?
I believe with the two top modules, decoders and a couple of extra switches we are way over the £455
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Re: Spektrum DX 10 T
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2014, 05:05:31 pm »

And still no 10 channel RX,
I know because I tried to do it.

in my own little world
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