Hi Mike,
Just an update on the use of XBees.
For my Voice Command System, I ordered a pair of XBee Pro S1, because they had a more power than the ones I’ve used for the telemetry system, 63mW compared with 2mW.
On reading the data sheet for them, it appears that for European use, the power output must be reduced to the 10dBm setting (i.e. 10mW).
This is confirmed by the Offcom document “IR 2030 - UK Interface Requirements 2030 Licence Exempt Short Range Devices” page 21, IR2030/1/22.
( see
http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/spectrum/spectrum-policy-area/spectrum-management/research-guidelines-tech-info/interface-requirements/IR_2030.pdf ).
The default power setting for the XBee Pro S1 is 18dBm (i.e. 63mW). The power setting is available via the PL command available in the free download, which connects the XBee to your computer’s USB port.
Setting up the XBee is relatively simple.
Connect the remote (or End Device) to the USB port first.
Make a note of its address high and low values, not forgetting the two leading zeros (it is better to cut and paste into a Word document, since they are a long sequence).
Set the power to 10dBw at the PL prompt.
Check that it is an “End Device”.
Next replace the “End Device” with the XBee that is to be the master or Coordinator.
Using the menu, define it as the "Coordinator".
Set the power to 10dBw.
Enter (cut and paste) the End Device address.
Voila – install and use with the UART Tx and Rx terminals of the PIC.
Note: on power calc:
Power in dBw (i.e. power referenced to 1mW) is:-
10* log(TmW/1mW) where T is the power in mW. e.g. 10*log(63/1) = 17.993 i.e. 18dBw
I hope this is helpful.