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Author Topic: Wicksteed - 2016?  (Read 2577 times)

Martin (Admin)

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Wicksteed - 2016?
« on: June 08, 2015, 01:56:33 pm »

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Members are:   me, mods, Nick (RAFLaunches) Brian (HTML) Pete, (Klunk), SteamboatPhil,  Bob K ( H.M.S. Polyphemus. )

Afternoon All!

Had an interesting chat with Andy Griggs ( Models by Design ) at Doncaster yesterday, I was quite interested in how the Beale park show went.

He said 'it when OK. Not very well attended' but he thinks the new show 'has legs' and has committed to in again for next year. It being driven by "Scale Hobbies" - ( I think! ).  Andy’s not sure that the show is being driven 'right' and it needs a LOT more work to get it going. He said Traders prefer the venue as it’s indoor but the show lacked publicity and club support.

Andy also said there was some comments about the cost of parking at Wicksteed and the way it can’t be paid for at the exit. I thought that £9.50 Beale Park entrance fee was way higher but didn’t say anything….

As per my previous posts about Beale, I had contact from some bloke, Phil Knell, I asked Andy if he knew who he was, he rolled his eye a made several expletives, which now explains the tone of those emails.

So what do we do next year,
1. Same date as always, 2nd May Bank Holiday? ( May 28, 29 )
2. Move so we don’t clash?
3. Talk to Scale Hobbies?

Your thoughts please....

"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models
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