Hi, this is now my model of H.M.S. Iveston, a Minehunter of the 2nd Mine Countermeasures Squadron, based at H.M. Naval base Portsmouth.
It was originally built by Mike Hill of the Kingsbury Model Boat Club, who has been forced to sell it through ill health. I have assured Mike that it is at least, still in good hands and he will still be able to see her performing at our club lake.
It is completely scratchbuilt and is to the scale of 1/48. It runs on two 777 motors powered by a 6 volt 10 amp gel cell, with additional 6 volt 3.5 amp battery for the many working features that this model posseses.
Including Independent motor control with rudder movement, operated with a movable cam and four micro switches, this feature can be switched over for normal running.
Working, work lights, navigation lights and flashing signal lamps.
Anchors raise and lower
Moving Bofor gun
Rotating Radar Scanner
Crane 1is the On/Off Switch
Crane 2/3 swing outwards
Rear Cranes 4/5 lift Paravanes fro racks, swing outwards, lower into water, then raise and swing back inboard, to lower Paravanes back in racks.