Mayhem is all about FUN, this will be the third one I have had to miss knee operation recovery this year means long drives and kneeling are not allowed. Which I am really p@@@@d about.
When I get there I turn up with a car load of boats, gazeebo and stuff and enjoy the whole weekend, even if we get a bit of the Wicksteed mist (rain), or the gentle breeze called Force 8. It is like I have never been away, everyone is really friendly.
Do not be put off by the BBQ talk, only the crazy ones amongst us talk about what we can remember. Believe me it can be hard to remember, the evening BBQ.
If BBQ food is not for you stay awhile and chat, the food & alcohol are not mandatory.
The boating comes first it is very informal and fun, everyone helps if boaters have a problem, fires run away boats the only rules are, there are no rules, other than the obvious safety ones. Put the boat in the water and sail.
In 2007 the first year Martin had this crazy idea, which is the Mayhem weekend. I turned up with one boat, a Springer and some camping equipment. I only knew the people online, and had never met the people who were there, we had horizontal Wicksteed mist all weekend and everything was soaked, but it was great. I meet the same people maybe once or twice a year outside of Mayhem, and we chat and joke like best friends, it does not stop after the weekend. Ten years on and I wish I was coming no matter what the weather, I already had the Friday booked off at work
The parking is great, access to the lake is really easy nice and flat, there are trollies to use, and if required there is always someone there to help launch the boats large or small.
Did I mention it is all about having fun!
Have a good time everyone