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Author Topic: Welcome to the Model Boat Mayhem Forum!  (Read 156830 times)

Martin (Admin)

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Re: Welcome to the Model Boat Mayhem Forum!
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2015, 04:10:59 pm »

Dealing with Complaints.


The following is written by a former Chief Trading Standards Officer whose staff dealt with as many as 13,000 complaints each year. It is not definitive but is intended to help those who are party to disputes and to explain why Model Boat Mayhem is reluctant to allow free rein by Members and Traders who may attempt to publish complaints or comment on the posts of others.

First of all:   Keep calm.
 It is far too easy to feel righteously aggrieved and blast off in a public arena in a way which will help nobody. It also gets backs up at the very start.

Secondly:  Tell the truth, the whole truth.
  Although apparently attractive to do so, it does not help your case if you describe only the parts of the issue which you feel support your argument. Remember the other party can do the same from their point of view. Later, when things you have not told emerge, your case appears weakened.

Thirdly:  Never threaten.
 Civilised processes cannot be conducted under threat and in any case you are most unlikely to be able to give effect to them!

Remember that your concern is all absorbing to you, uppermost in your mind and very frustrating. However, for the other parties it may be just another issue in the day and cannot, necessarily be the first priority.

Also think that technical services can fail. Phone messages may not be passed on; answer machines may not work; Emails may not get through and letters may be lost or delayed. We hope it does not happen but it can and does so when dealing with other folk just remember that may have happened and the fact that someone says it did is not always a lie!

You want to resolve the issue, don't you? So, why not say, “Did you receive my message?” rather than, “Why didn’t you reply?” Or, “Is there a problem?” rather than, “What’s the matter with your set up”. Give the other person a chance to satisfy you, encourage them.

Keep good notes. When did you order. What did you order. How did you order. Who did you speak to. When. What was said. Keep copies of everything.

When placing orders or agreeing something put a time deadline into the contract. “Goods to be delivered within 10 days unless otherwise agreed between us”. Or, “Please reply within 5 days”.

Remain reasonable in your expectations. You cannot expect personalised and superb performance all the time so ensure your wishes are clearly expressed and achievable.

If things start to go wrong put your concerns in writing and clearly state what you expect to happen and by when (again be reasonable). Keep a copy.

If things still go wrong, write by some form of recorded delivery.
If you are unable to resolve a dispute writing to “Watchdog”; going to the local newspaper or trying to involve Model Boat Mayhem is unlikely to achieve anything other than deterioration in the matter.

If you cannot resolve the issue you may need professional advice. You can use a solicitor; seek help from your local Citizens Advice Bureau or your local Trading Standards or Consumer Protection office. But they will have no legal powers to assist. If all else fails you may have to go to the County Court, they cannot do it for you but they will advise. If you do seek help take all your documents and notes with you.

However, before going that far you need to reflect if the price of the goods makes it worthwhile.

Please, never proceed on “the principle”. Principles are seldom achieved in law!

Yes, it sounds complicated and long drawn out. However, that is how it is.
   Skip any or some of these points and you may not succeed.

One final thing: On a more cheerful note. When things go well let us tell each other. We may have problems now and then but more often than not we are satisfied so say so. A little praise goes a long way.

( Composed by the great 'Roger in France'. )

Model Boat Mayhem - Moderation team.

"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models
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