A new addition I am a happy bunny with a new addition to my dockyard, following a posting on the Mayhem sales section. Not my own build, but just the kind of unusual warship that appeals to me. Descartes of 1894. A few photo’s to express my appreciation.
Within a week I had done a bit of rewiring: (Sorry, my preference). 2 x 9.6V NiMh 5Ah batteries, a P94L controller, P19 BEC and a Planet Rx. Bath testing distributed half a kilo of solder-bar ballast between the ribs. Ready to sail.
The ensign is a bit big. I have been trying to call Mike Allsop at Scale Flags & Ensigns. Internal access is almost full length thanks to the tall internal coffer dam.
A small amount of detailing left to do. Some rigging, gun port retaining ropes, and 1/96 French sailors - half mil ball bearings supplied for their red pompoms.

Twin 457’s give more than enough power through the George Sitek 44 mm props, requiring only low throttle for scale cruising. She turns reasonably on the P94 in mode 4 with almost zero list. A real pleasure to sail.
Many thanks Tony. A superb build, as I hope the pictures show. TLC assured.